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Politics Quotes

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When something really comes from the soul, I think it has a truth that you cannot find in politics  (Politics Quotes) As I grew up in that world and saw how much it affected her world and how much it affected our childhood, it made me very aware of politics. Of course, I have my own private feelings and thoughts, but I don’t care to share them  (Politics Quotes) I full well realize that politics is a rough and tumble business, but politics should not be reduced to lobbing partisan hand grenades. Politics is not war. Terrorism is  (Politics Quotes) The differences between revolution in art and revolution in politics are enormous. Revolution in art lies not in the will to destroy but in the revelation of what has already been destroyed. Art kills only the dead  (Politics Quotes) As you see the political problems are closely connected with the economical problems. With the help of politics, we will open the way for the economy and this is why all these problems are included in the program of the newly elected government  (Politics Quotes) Too many people, because they were white and poor, black and rich, or just plain busy with something other than politics, have felt they had no voice in our government  (Politics Quotes) The difference between the men and the boys in politics is, and always has been, that the boys want to be something, while the men want to do something  (Politics Quotes) The decision as to why a show makes it has to do with politics and money  (Politics Quotes) Religion and morality are critical to how students think about politics and form opinions on political issues  (Politics Quotes) I don’t believe in gutter politics. I don’t believe in gutter journalism  (Politics Quotes) The legions of reporters who cover politics don’t want to quit the clash and thunder of electoral combat for the dry duty of analyzing the federal budget. As a consequence, we have created the perpetual presidential campaign  (Politics Quotes) There are so many people who are so much better qualified to write about politics than I am  (Politics Quotes) It is not so much that women have a different point of view in politics as that they give a different emphasis. And this is vastly important, for politics is so largely a matter of emphasis  (Politics Quotes) In physics, to be in two places at the same time would be a miracle; in politics it seems not merely normal, but natural  (Politics Quotes) It is necessary to take an active part in politics to observe how often the welfare of the party organization is put before the issues, even before the welfare of the commonwealth  (Politics Quotes) Politics is a contest among people of diverse backgrounds and philosophies, advocating different solutions to common problems. The system only works when principled, energetic people participate  (Politics Quotes) Meanwhile, politics is about getting a candidate in front of the public as a star, politics as rock’n’roll, politics as a movie  (Politics Quotes) Living gives you a better understanding of life. I would hope that my characters have become deeper and more rounded personalities. Wider travels have given me considerably greater insight into how cultural differences affect not only people, but politics and art  (Politics Quotes) A politician is a person with whose politics you don’t agree; if you agree with him he’s a statesman  (Politics Quotes) What do you want to be a sailor for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics  (Politics Quotes) As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten more liberal, and my father is increasingly conservative. It’s so shocking to me because I always thought we had the same politics. The day I realized we voted for different presidents, I practically fell out of my chair  (Politics Quotes) The introduction of religious passion into politics is the end of honest politics, and the introduction of politics into religion is the prostitution of true religion  (Politics Quotes) What my job is, is to get on with getting the process of democratic politics, back on the road, entrenching the peace settlement, and I ask you to judge me on my record  (Politics Quotes) I worked in the media from the late 30’s through the early 70’s. Politics in general became more liberal both nationally and within the state as the years passed  (Politics Quotes) Before I had decided to get into politics, I was laying the groundwork to have a career in the law, but that was really to lay the foundation to teach, either at the college level or law school level after my federal clerkships  (Politics Quotes) I never wanted to separate from either wife. It was accumulated stress. We had virtually no time to ourselves. After politics we were both working very hard to establish new careers  (Politics Quotes) What is politics but persuading the public to vote for this and support that and endure these for the promise of those?  (Politics Quotes) Politics is about winning. If you don?t win, you don?t get to put your principles into practice. Therefore, find a way to win, or sit the battle out  (Politics Quotes) Politics is when you say you are going to do one thing while intending to do another. Then you do neither what you said nor what you intended  (Politics Quotes) Politics is not perfect but it’s the best available nonviolent means of changing how we live  (Politics Quotes)
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