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Politics Quotes

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Because powerful images are fixed in the mind more readily than words, the photographer needs no interpreter. A photograph means the same thing all over the world and no translator is required. Photography is truly a universal language, transcending all boundaries of race, politics and nationality  (Politics Quotes) Minority conservatives hold a special place of gutter contempt in the minds of unhinged liberals, who can never accept the radical concept of a person of color rejecting identity politics  (Politics Quotes) You’re probably wasting time on things like eating and sleeping. Cease that, and read all of philosophy and all of literature. Also art. Plus politics and a few other things. The history of everything  (Politics Quotes) Politics and music don’t necessarily go hand in hand. They just do for me  (Politics Quotes) I always felt that a scientist owes the world only one thing, and that is the truth as he sees it. If the truth contradicts deeply held beliefs, that is too bad. Tact and diplomacy are fine in international relations, in politics, perhaps even in business; in science only one thing matters, and that is the facts  (Politics Quotes) The rejection of all abstract formalism. Materialism reminds every science of its real source: the world men transform. No science can, whether in its history or its object, grasp its own origins within itself or constitute itself as a closed world, exhaustively defined by internal rules. Materialism refers every science and every activity to the reality they depend on, even if this dependence is masked by a great many abstract mediations: mathematics as well as logic, aesthetics as well as ethics and politics  (Politics Quotes) For a politics of emancipation, the enemy that is to be feared most is not repression at the hands of the established order. It is the interiority of nihilism, and the unbounded cruelty that can come with its emptiness  (Politics Quotes) Love and politics are the two great figures of social engagement. Politics is enthusiasm with a collective; with love, two people. So love is the minimal form of communism  (Politics Quotes) It was through the private world of family that the public world of politics came alive for me: living in intimate proximity with people for whom larger questions of ideology and belief, as well as issues relating to politics and governance, were vivid daily realities  (Politics Quotes) Politics is of the heart as well as of the mind. Many people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care  (Politics Quotes) We were idealists. We thought that when we got the vote the whole pattern of politics would be greatly improved and would be dominated by women  (Politics Quotes) He brings to the fierce struggle of politics the tepid enthusiasm of a lazy summer afternoon at a cricket match  (Politics Quotes) Politicians who wish to succeed must be prepared to dissemble, at times to lie. All deceit is bad. In politics some deceit or moral dishonesty is the oil without which the machinery would not work  (Politics Quotes) We must embrace the power of faith, but we must never confuse politics and piety. For me, may I say that it is against my religion to impose my religion  (Politics Quotes) To put a woman on the ticket would challenge the loyalty of women everywhere to their sex, because it would be made to seem that the defeat of the ticket meant the defeat for a hundred years of women’s chance to be truly equal with men in politics  (Politics Quotes) Some things transcend politics and policy and the lust for power. Truth, honesty, integrity, decency and fairness are immutable values. They are the ethical substance of life. They ought to be cherished. To sell them out is to sell one’s soul  (Politics Quotes) There are many in public life who deserve only our praise and admiration. But there are too many who are products of a class that knows little other than spin and the machinations of politics. Little wonder that leadership of the transforming sort is so hard to come by. The danger is that this may be permanent. Where our best people shun politics because the profession isn’t honoured as it once was, this only serves to make the profession even less honoured  (Politics Quotes) A new chapter in the history of international politics has begun, one in which the pursuit and control of energy resources would be the central dynamic of world affairs, and governments  (Politics Quotes) It will be interesting to see if they accept the idea that not only actual corruption in politics needs to be addressed, but the appearance of corruption as well, ensuring public confidence and all that  (Politics Quotes) The politics of crime is not about a party’s record or a candidates proposals, but about perceived character and values  (Politics Quotes) Teaching is a good preparation for politics because you have to reply to questions when you don’t know the answer  (Politics Quotes) Nothing is more dangerous that the politician who uses politics as a surrogate for an unsatisfactory personal life  (Politics Quotes) Circumstances in the world of politics contribute substantially to whether or not you can be successful  (Politics Quotes) Politics are always a struggle for power, disguised and modified by prudence, reason and moral pretext  (Politics Quotes) Here is one of the first rules of politics: it’s not enough that I do well; I must also destroy my enemy  (Politics Quotes) In daily life, reality gives us material incentives to restrain our irrationality. But what incentive do we have to think rationally about politics?  (Politics Quotes) Politics, as any observer of the modern world knows, is the enemy of economics, everywhere and always  (Politics Quotes) I was very privileged and really blessed with so many material and spiritual gifts that I should give back,... I should do something for my people, but... it’s not just in politics that you can be a servant of the people, you can do it in so many other ways  (Politics Quotes) There is much that women can bring into politics that would make our world a kinder, gentler place for humanity to thrive in  (Politics Quotes) It’s not just in politics that you can be a servant of the people, you can do it in so many other ways  (Politics Quotes)
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