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Politics Quotes

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I treat politics kind of like my religion. It’s something I believe in, but I don’t want to have to make a living at it, because if you make a living at it, you somehow become dishonest  (Politics Quotes) I haven’t been paying attention to politics long enough to have really smart opinions  (Politics Quotes) I am not averse to politics, but that does not mean that I am going to join politics  (Politics Quotes) Personally, I feel that it is the most contemptible thing for a politician to seek personal gains from politics  (Politics Quotes) Across all countries and cultures surfers are connected not by nationality, religion, politics, age … but by their experience riding waves. This is a powerful experience both in the waves themselves and inside each surfer  (Politics Quotes) Modernism’, as a label, has currency in the arts, architecture, planning, landscape, politics, theology, cultural history and elsewhere  (Politics Quotes) Economics is not politics. One is a science, concerned with the immutable and constant laws of nature that determine the production and distribution of wealth; the other is the art of ruling  (Politics Quotes) Politics is not how you vote, it is how you live. It is not how you choose, but how you think  (Politics Quotes) To say that politics is not a part of sports is not being realistic. When I run, I am more than a runner. I am a diplomat, an ambassador for my country  (Politics Quotes) As a young woman in politics, it also gives me great pleasure to see additional female cabinet representation here today. You know, these are very high levels of representation for women around the cabinet table and I think that that’s something that’s very important to me  (Politics Quotes) The future is female, so women are invited, as they do, to take responsability in the world of politics, in the economics, in art  (Politics Quotes) It is part of politics to make things look better than they really are. What is a spin doctor but a serial euphemiser?  (Politics Quotes) The first thing I didn’t understand was my life. It’s a mystery. And today I don’t understand economy or politics. I don’t know why politics or economy are destroying the world, but I will understand after understanding  (Politics Quotes) You can’t talk about life without talking about politics. You have to have both. If you’re just a political person, you’re going to burn out. If you, as an artist, are just focused inward, you’re going to eventually be irrelevant  (Politics Quotes) In academic life you seek to state absolute truths; in politics you seek to accommodate truth to the facts around you  (Politics Quotes) It was a storm in a tea cup, but in politics we sail in paper boats  (Politics Quotes) If you want to be constructive in politics, the less you look back, the better. If you do look back, then it can only be to learn for yourself through the events that have taken place  (Politics Quotes) The big problem is to find suitable hats. I don’t care for them all that much, but you have to wear them in politics  (Politics Quotes) I became a councillor back in 1971, so if by this stage in politics I’m making lots of big mistakes, then I shouldn’t be here  (Politics Quotes) After many, many years, I fell out of love with politics. It’s not something I like but it’s the truth  (Politics Quotes) I’ve often said that all poetry is political. This is because real poems deal with a human response to reality and politics is part of reality, history in the making. Even if a poet writes about sitting in a glass house drinking tea, it reflects politics  (Politics Quotes) Politics disappears; it vanishes. What remains constant is human life. So I try to develop a perspective in my writing where politics is just one of the pieces of furniture in this furnished world. It is not the purpose. It is not the goal  (Politics Quotes) I have been a practitioner of tough politics for many decades. There is little that amazes me and even less that shocks me  (Politics Quotes) Democracy is a revelation, but it’s complicated. There are elections to hold, politics to create, rights to assert, grievances to settle and institutions to build. To many, it’s exhilarating. For others, it can be disappointing when it turns out that democracy doesn’t immediately make life better  (Politics Quotes) You can see a lot of politics on a lot of different channels. I’m not interested, really, in talking in some wonky conversation about politics, though. It’s not my speed. I’m not interested in the ins and outs of health care  (Politics Quotes) The thing about politics is to plan 10 years ahead, and assume every year is your last  (Politics Quotes) If one of my boys was asking me if they should go into politics, I’d say there’s only one reason to go into public life and that’s to help people  (Politics Quotes) In today’s politics, it would be good to have politicians who are more upfront about what they felt and actually not trying to bend with every breeze. They’re infuriating, all of them  (Politics Quotes) When you’re in politics sometimes you step on toes and they come back and kick you in the backside  (Politics Quotes) I really don’t have a lot of interest in national politics, and it’s because I’m a skeptic. I think you can accomplish a lot more locally. I don’t want to spin the wheels and not get anything done  (Politics Quotes)
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