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Politics Quotes

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I fundamentally believe that politics is counterintuitive. The left think they’re helping working people by providing more rights, but all that actually happens is you create poverty and despair, because jobs go to your competitors who have fewer rights for workers  (Politics Quotes) There’s a tendency in politics to attribute bad motivation much too quickly, and the sooner you attribute bad motivation to someone you disagree with, the harder it is to find some common ground to make some progress that would give people confidence that you got it more right than wrong  (Politics Quotes) There’s lots about politics I don’t feel comfortable with. To talk about the politics of future ideas is impossible in soundbite form  (Politics Quotes) Politics are private. I don’t understand people who try to convince you to join one party or another  (Politics Quotes) As a composer, I believe that music has the power to inspire a renewal of human consciousness, culture, and politics. And yet I refuse to make political art. More often than not political art fails as politics, and all too often it fails as art. To reach its fullest power, to be most moving and most fully useful to us, art must be itself  (Politics Quotes) It seems to me that our problem has a lot less to do with the mechanics of solar power than the politics of human power-specifically whether there can be a shift in who wields it, a shift away from corporations and toward communities, which in turn depends on whether or not the great many people who are getting a rotten deal under our current system can build a determined and diverse enough social force to change the balance of power  (Politics Quotes) The internet brought many laudable things, but prosperity, stability, accountability and honest politics were not four of them  (Politics Quotes) I can’t afford to be indifferent to politics, but I don’t have personal ambitions  (Politics Quotes) When I was young, I flirted with the idea of a career in journalism on one hand and politics on the other  (Politics Quotes) Women are tough campaigners. They certainly know how to withstand attacks. And I think we make a mistake if we say, as some do, that women should play by different rules, or that they are somehow especially vulnerable to the rules of politics. I don’t think that’s true  (Politics Quotes) Television is likely to do more to revolutionize politics than sound broadcasting did. Political candidates may have to adopt new techniques to benefit from visual radio: their dress, their smiles and gestures, all will be important. How they look, as well as what they say, may determine to an appreciable extent their popularity. The eyes of the public will be upon them  (Politics Quotes) I have many, many old friends, and I always think that it`s important, when you get into politics, to have friends you had before you were in politics and to understand what`s on their minds  (Politics Quotes) All the work I did was to challenge politics, culture, and women’s rights. I felt like I really wanted to break out. That’s why I wanted to use graffiti. It’s more open. I don’t need people to come to an exhibition. Graffiti gives a voice to the walls  (Politics Quotes) I am a very simple man. I am a man first, an artist second. My first obligation is to the welfare of my fellow man. I will endeavour to meet this obligation through music, since it transcends language, politics and national boundaries  (Politics Quotes) When people travel here from across the country, they shed jealousies and politics and prejudices. The mighty climb down. The humble are elevated  (Politics Quotes) There are flaws in the way politics is reported in this country today and we should do something about it,.. Radio and television coverage of politics doesn’t see its role as a mission to explain, but to destroy, in a pernicious culture in which journalists pit themselves against politicians  (Politics Quotes) When you get into politics, you find that all your worst nightmares about it turn out to be true, and the people who are attracted to large concentrations of power are precisely the ones who should be kept as far away from it as possible  (Politics Quotes) I’ve always wanted to serve my country in some capacity. But many years ago, my father said he wanted me to run the brewery and he’d do politics  (Politics Quotes) I think the air is out of the gun control balloon, and I think what popped the balloon is politics and elections  (Politics Quotes) Politics is like air and water. And you know if there is bad politics. Everyone is polluted. Everyone is unhealthy. See the people walking on the street: how they act  (Politics Quotes) Revolutionary politics, revolutionary art, and oh, the revolutionary mind, is the dullest thing on earth... What a stupid word! What a stale fuss!  (Politics Quotes) Doing politics in a democracy costs money for campaigning and getting our message across and that’s what we intend to do  (Politics Quotes) Especially being around young people,... It helps put things in the proper perspective as you return back to the chaos of politics  (Politics Quotes) Every time we have an election, we get in worse men and the country keeps right on going. Times have proven only one thing and that is you can’t ruin this country even with politics  (Politics Quotes) We are not engaged in domestic politics, in church building or in social uplift work, but we are engaged in nation building  (Politics Quotes) ...to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day  (Politics Quotes) A true master of politics is able to calculate, down to the smallest fraction, the advantages to which he may put his very faults  (Politics Quotes) There should be relentless exposure of and attack upon every evil practice, whether in politics, in business, or in social life. I hail as a benefactor every writer or speaker, every man who, on the platform, or in book, magazine or newspaper, with merciless severity makes such attack, provided always that he in his turn remembers that the attack is of use only if it is absolutely truthful  (Politics Quotes) Reagan was an exceedingly likeable guy, just a heck of a nice fellow, despite his politics. He was funny and loved a good joke, the dirtier, I’m afraid the more ethnic, the better. I don’t think he brought very much to the presidency, except charisma and success  (Politics Quotes) Politics are receiving a lot of attention because we have nothing else to interest us. No nation in the history of the world was ever sitting as pretty. If we want anything, all we have to do is go and buy it on credit. So that leaves us without any economic problem whatever, except perhaps some day to have to pay for them. But we are certainly not thinking about that this early  (Politics Quotes)
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