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Politics Quotes

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Those who oppose all reform will do well to remember that ruin in its worst form is inevitable if our national life brings us nothing better than swollen fortunes for the few and the triumph in both politics and business of a sordid and selfish materialism  (Politics Quotes) Our politics and science have never mastered the fact that people need more than to understand their obligation to one another and to the earth; they need also the feeling of such obligation, and the feeling can come only within the patterns of familiarity. A nation of urban nomads, such as we have become, may simply be unable to be enough disturbed by its destruction of the ecological health of the land, because the people’s dependence on the land, though it has been expounded to them over and over again in general terms, is not immediate to their feelings  (Politics Quotes) I just think the idea of moving away from the body and discovering sensuality by skimming the body, not tightening the body, seems rather new to me. Especially in this world where we’re living right now, where the idea of giving freedom to women, especially in politics what’s happening, it seemed so appealing to me, so that was the starting point  (Politics Quotes) We had to restructure our military and our politics and so on. We’re a new democracy. We’re a nascent democracy  (Politics Quotes) Women’s sport helps break down a lot of barriers for women in other areas, whether in religion or politics  (Politics Quotes) Any army which does not train to use all the weapons, all the means and methods of warfare that the enemy possesses, or may possess, is behaving in an unwise or even criminal manner. This applies to politics even more than it does to the art of war  (Politics Quotes) The only force more ruthless and cynical than the business of big politics is the politics of big business  (Politics Quotes) The idea that there is a rational truth out there that is not embodied in a person’s politics is something I can’t understand or subscribe to  (Politics Quotes) As in the game of billiards, the balls are constantly producing effects from mere chance, which the most skillful player could neither execute nor foresee, but which, when they do happen, serve mainly to teach him how much he has still to learn; so it is in the most profound and complicated game of politics and diplomacy. In both cases, we can only regulate our play by what we have seen, rather than by what we have hoped; and by what we have experienced, rather than by what we have expected  (Politics Quotes) I’m very open about my politics. I don’t believe in any political party at all, none of them  (Politics Quotes) Everything is so weird in politics that it’s very hard to be funny about it, I think  (Politics Quotes) The basic thing is, people want to get paid, so they’ll say the things that get them paid, in entertainment or politics  (Politics Quotes) If you can’t drink a lobbyist’s whiskey, take his money, sleep with his women and still vote against him in the morning, you don’t belong in politics  (Politics Quotes) It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also  (Politics Quotes) I never, ever get involved in politics. With politics you are not allowed to be honest. I don’t have time to deal with that. I would rather work with kids  (Politics Quotes) I have come to think that both sex and politics are a mistake and that any attempt to establish a connection between the two is the greatest error of all  (Politics Quotes) Politics is for people who have a passion for changing life but lack a passion for living it  (Politics Quotes) Building weapons that we don’t need, don’t work, and aren’t necessary, and have no mission? that’s not bad politics, that’s robbery  (Politics Quotes) There has always been in our national experience a type of mind which elevates hatred to a kind of creed; for this mind, group hatreds take a place in politics similar to the class struggle in some other modern societies  (Politics Quotes) The emperor would prefer the poet to keep away from politics, the emperor’s domain, so that he can manage things the way he likes  (Politics Quotes) All the politics in the world are nothing else but a kind of analysis of the quantity of probability in casual events, and a good politician signifies no more but one who is dexterous at such calculations  (Politics Quotes) If you care about real change, deep structural change, that involves politics, and all politics is friction. It takes leadership, and the willingness to create that friction, that leads to social change  (Politics Quotes) I grew up in a household where we talked politics a lot and argued politics a lot  (Politics Quotes) American voters have to pay closer attention to politics if they want to avoid four years of whining about the outcome  (Politics Quotes) Television doesn’t like politics very well, if you can infer that from the way they cover it  (Politics Quotes) Art is like politics. Any theory carried too far ends in sterility, and freshness is only gained by following some other line  (Politics Quotes) Politics are important but your soul lasts forever. So, you know, you make... decisions on what you think is right or wrong and then you just go forward  (Politics Quotes) For me, it was like this: pronounced antipathy to conversing about matters of practical life, the future, dates, politics. You are fixated on the intellectual sphere as a man possessed may be fixated on the sexual: under its spell, sucked into it  (Politics Quotes) In a period of such obsessing political controversy as the present, I believe that I am that strange animal, the individual without any politics at all  (Politics Quotes) As soon as you start mixing up politics and some sort of ethical code in music, you’ve got it all wrong  (Politics Quotes)
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