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Politics Quotes

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I’ve always had my voice as a comic. I was never that into politics, or prop comedy  (Politics Quotes) We cannot put cinema in parallel with the political, because politics are something dirty and cinema is not dirty  (Politics Quotes) A lot of us simply disengaged from politics altogether, but then we woke up and went wow, wait a minute. Why does that insane conversation get to dominate? Who made those people the creators of the conversation? And how can we start a new one?  (Politics Quotes) When women participate in politics, it ripples out to the entire society... Women are the world’s most underused resource  (Politics Quotes) Politics is the activity by which the framework of human life is sustained; it is not life itself  (Politics Quotes) Science differs from politics or religion, in precisely this one discipline: we agree in advance to simply reject our own findings when they have been shown to be in error  (Politics Quotes) Politics is that rare sport where the amateur contest is actually more interesting than the professional  (Politics Quotes) The politics of our society are a conversation in which past, present and future each has a voice; and though one or other of them may on occasion properly prevail none permanently dominates, and on this account we are free  (Politics Quotes) You can choose not to be interested in politics, but you can’t choose to be unaffected by it  (Politics Quotes) I think people everywhere have a very dismaying feeling that politics are going over their heads, are being decided by wealthy interests that don’t take them into consideration. And are bending the legislative process in their own behalf  (Politics Quotes) In acting class, you talked always about keeping it real and don’t act... connect with the people and connect with the partner that you’re acting with. The same is also true in politics  (Politics Quotes) For me, politics is not a career. For me, my career was being in business and starting a business and making it successful. My life’s passion has been my family, my faith and my country  (Politics Quotes) When you are so obsessed with identity politics it’s not healthy because you’re constantly worried about how you’re perceived as opposed to your achievements. Once your identity becomes your achievement then you run into serious problems  (Politics Quotes) What I’ve tried to do in politics is two very simple things: tell the truth and do what I said I would do  (Politics Quotes) I’m a big believer that good policy is good politics. And so, when it comes to making decisions on policy issues, what I endeavor to do is simply speak the truth  (Politics Quotes) I don’t think you should go into politics until you can stand on your own two feet economically, if possible, and you know enough about the world  (Politics Quotes) The cure for bad politics is the same as the cure for tuberculosis. It is living in the open  (Politics Quotes) I have sometimes heard men say politics must have nothing to do with business, and I have often wished that business had nothing to do with politics  (Politics Quotes) If newspapers were written by people whose sole object in writing was to tell the truth about politics and the truth about art we should not believe in war, and we should believe in art  (Politics Quotes) The new women in politics seem to be saying that we already know how to lose, thank you very much. Now we want to learn how to win  (Politics Quotes) Corruption of politics has nothing to do with the morals, or the laxity of morals, of various political personalities. Its cause is altogether a material one  (Politics Quotes) When I decided to go into politics I weighed the costs. I would get criticism. But I went ahead. So when virulent criticism came I wasn’t surprised. I was better able to handle it  (Politics Quotes) In art as in politics we must deal with people as they are not as we wish them to be. Only by working with the real can you get closer to the ideal  (Politics Quotes) Every man who takes a part in politics, especially in times when parties run high, must expect to be abused; they must bear it; and their friends must learn to bear it for them  (Politics Quotes) We weren’t meant to have futures, we were meant to marry them. We weren’t meant to have politics, or careers that mattered, or opinions, or lives; we were meant to marry them. If you wanted to be an architect, you married an architect  (Politics Quotes) Anyone who can see as far as tomorrow in politics arouses the wrath of people who can see no farther than today  (Politics Quotes) Philosophy is called upon to compensate for the frustrations of politics and, more generally, of life itself  (Politics Quotes) Clam chowder is one of those subjects, like politics or religion, that can never be discussed lightly. Bring it up even incidentally, and all the innumerable factions of the clam bake regions raise their heads and begin to yammer  (Politics Quotes) I find politics in almost every country I go to be incredibly different and incredibly similar and I’m never surprised by anything  (Politics Quotes) Television’s compelling power is its immediacy... this immediacy feeds the politics of emotions, gut reactions and impressions rather than the politics of logic, facts and reason; it emphasizes personality rather than issues  (Politics Quotes)
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