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Politics Quotes

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Train the right way. Help each other. It’s a form of socialism without the politics  (Politics Quotes) Politics is so personal, vicious and immediate, how are you going to get anything done? Even the local politics where I live have gotten so ugly  (Politics Quotes) Politics isn’t what defines a person, and it shouldn’t define a relationship. I made the mistake of letting that intrude on my relationships  (Politics Quotes) I’m not very big on politics. I’m a comedian and not that smart. I don’t have the mind capacity for it  (Politics Quotes) I don’t play politics; I don’t do that. I think there’s too many celebrities out there claiming what they believe. I think it’s our job to get people out to study the issues and to know what they believe and what they want to vote for  (Politics Quotes) Things it is not polite to discuss at the dinner table: politics, religion, and the walking dead  (Politics Quotes) What people do who go into politics I can’t think; it drives me almost mad to see mismanagement over only a few hundred acres  (Politics Quotes) In politics people throw themselves, as on a sickbed, from one side to the other in the belief they will lie more comfortably  (Politics Quotes) I have no problem playing anyone who has different politics than me. In fact, I don’t take that into consideration at all. You have to find something sympathetic in a man. It’s that common ground you need to connect with someone  (Politics Quotes) I was a latecomer to politics. Maybe I’m just very slow. I got to everything when everyone else had left  (Politics Quotes) To be honest, politics is so weird. I think it’s more heavy than religion  (Politics Quotes) I grew up with three brothers and no sisters. That’s the best preparation for politics any girl can have  (Politics Quotes) I could say much about politics, our only entertainment here, but you would not care a fig about that  (Politics Quotes) I have to study politics and war so that my sons can study mathematics, commerce and agriculture, so their sons can study poetry, painting and music  (Politics Quotes) In the progress of politics, as in the common occurrences of life, we are not only apt to forget the ground we have travelled over, but frequently neglect to gather up experiences as we go  (Politics Quotes) Politics, differences of religion or race, all that fades away when we are confronted with the awesome power of nature, and we’re reminded that all we have is each other  (Politics Quotes) When it comes to foreign policy, it is important to remember that politics stops at the water’s edge  (Politics Quotes) Yes, we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever  (Politics Quotes) An attitude of permanent indignation signifies great mental poverty. Politics compels it votaries to take that line and you can see their minds growing more impoverished every day, from one burst of righteous indignation to the next  (Politics Quotes) Today religion is increasingly pushed aside by secularizing influences such as the university, the media, and politics. Rather than having a major voice in public life, religion has been relegated to the private and the personal  (Politics Quotes) My life is about politics, a lot of about music, and a lot about things other than acting. I like traveling the world. But, what makes me want to stay in this business and keep doing this are movies when it’s a true labor of love  (Politics Quotes) The politics is far harder than the science. And even if we accept the science we have a big issue of how to deal with it  (Politics Quotes) There is a temptation in politics to look for simplistic slogans and to play the game in a way that looks like you’re a savvy politician  (Politics Quotes) I came to politics later in life so I bring a different life experience to it  (Politics Quotes) Good writing and dark wit always excite me and they come together thrillingly in this book. It has a quiet grip on the strangeness of the interior and exterior worlds of love and politics. I delighted in the writing and the scope  (Politics Quotes) A lot of comics are kind of vampire types; we do our shows and disappear into the night. My philosophy was, this is like politics, and if I want people to know about my campaign, I’m going to go out there and shake hands  (Politics Quotes) In politics, it’s very theatrical. There’s a lot of stage craft. The campaign is trying to tell a story that they want people to believe in, and candidates are playing the role, like actors, by a creative personae that people will be attracted to  (Politics Quotes) When we start using religion as a bludgeon in politics, when we start questioning other people’s faith, we start using religion to divide, instead of bring the country together, then I think we’ve got a problem  (Politics Quotes) Those things which now most engage the attention of men, as politics and the daily routine, are, it is true, vital functions of human society, but should be unconsciously performed, like the corresponding functions of the physical body  (Politics Quotes) What is called politics is comparatively something so superficial and inhuman, that practically I have never fairly recognized that it concerns me at all  (Politics Quotes)
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