Politics Quotes

Text Quotes
On my show ‘One on One’, I interview leaders from around the world - in politics, business, art. My other show, ‘Her Village’, is more like ‘The View’. (Politics Quotes)
The typical American citizen is the business man. The typical business man is a bad citizen; he is busy. If he is a ‘big business man’ and very busy, he does not neglect; he is busy with politics, oh, very busy and very businesslike. (Politics Quotes)
I had the vocation for politics. What I didn’t have was any aptitude for political combat. I took the attacks personally, which is a great mistake. It’s never personal: It’s just business. It was ever thus. (Politics Quotes)
For us, sons of France, political sentiment is a passion; while, for the Englishmen, politics are a question of business. (Politics Quotes)
It is morally, politically and socially wrong for business as business or labor as labor to participate directly in politics. (Politics Quotes)
I think it’s fair to say I feel much more comfortable in business than in politics (Politics Quotes)
At the end of the day, photography is ninety-nine percent business, connections, and politics and one percent creativity. (Politics Quotes)
Music will always find its way to us, with or without business, politics, religion, or any other bullshit attached. (Politics Quotes)
I can get into politics. I’m a pretty straight guy for this business. I have a pretty healthy outlook. (Politics Quotes)
I designed collections around whatever struck my fancy... fruits, vegetables, politics, or peacocks! I entered in with no business sense. (Politics Quotes)
That’s the thing about business. Facts and numbers and results actually count. It’s not just about words as it is in politics. (Politics Quotes)
The mixing of politics and business not only is detrimental to politics, as is frequently observed, but even much more so to business. (Politics Quotes)
I don’t like people who are in politics for themselves and not for others. You want that, you can go into show business. (Politics Quotes)
There’s an awful lot of corruption in Japanese business and politics, corruption of the sort that can make for great setting for a spy story. (Politics Quotes)
There is an increasingly pervasive sense that one age is over and a new one is beginning - in business, in politics, in science, in psychology. (Politics Quotes)
Where issues used to be, say, parochial or local in Ireland or England and so forth, all politics is global now because all business is global. (Politics Quotes)
Business is a useful tool in politics, but it’s not enough. You need much more than to be a good businessman, to be a good politician. (Politics Quotes)
Politics are about preserving relationships at the end of the day, and it has nothing to do with the greater good for humanity. It’s just all about business. (Politics Quotes)
Men have the influence and power in business and politics. It is the mother who can make the child’s bedtime earlier, take away desserts or ground the child. (Politics Quotes)
And I’m not apolitical - I’m very specific in my politics. But a lot of the time it’s nobody’s business unless you’re over at my house having dinner. (Politics Quotes)
I love the way business works, when there’s a crisis or a scandal, there is blood on the floor. Somebody pays, people are held accountable, that’s just not politics. (Politics Quotes)
Every home should have a room, or at least a nook with two chairs, where it is a sin punishable by immediate expulsion to speak of money, business, politics or the state of one’s teeth. (Politics Quotes)
This is a very tough business, politics. It’s easy to get resentful or full of bitterness ... (but) I think hatred hurts the hater more than the hated. So I’m looking back on my time positively. (Politics Quotes)
In Business School they taught us about cash flow, not about corporate politics; about return on equity, not about egos and pride. Oh, there were optional courses on ‘Organizational Behavior’ and ‘Managerial Skills,’ but these were a little too bloodless to convey what I learned on the job. (Politics Quotes)
There’s discussion in athletics about how sport - where they say ‘SportsCenter’ has ruined the fundamentals of basketball because it’s - it only applauds dunks and three point shots and blocks, and I think, you know, the cable news has done the same thing for politics. (Politics Quotes)
I guess you’d call me an independent, since I’ve never identified myself with one party or another in politics. I always decide my vote by taking as careful a look as I can at the actual candidates and issues themselves, no matter what the party label. (Politics Quotes)
I don’t get into politics, general or musical, but just call me if you get jury duty. Even in New Jersey I was able to help somebody. (Politics Quotes)
At its worst, Washington is a place where name-calling partisan politics too often trumps policy (Politics Quotes)
Unfortunately, money in politics is an insidious thing - and a loophole in our campaign finance system was taken advantage of with money going to existing or new 527 groups with the sole purpose of influencing the election. (Politics Quotes)
For years, liberals have demonstrated a near religious devotion to the cause of ‘cleaning up elections’ with campaign finance reform, the wondrous panacea that would finally rescue our great country from corruption in politics. ... How anyone could believe that corrupt politicians could or would legislate away their own corruption is completely beyond me. (Politics Quotes)