Politics Quotes

Text Quotes
I never publicise in advance what I’m going to be singing because I never quite know until I start. I often change my mind halfway through. I sometimes throw in stuff about politics or Shakespeare or do songs in Yiddish. (Politics Quotes)
Most people don’t realize, I really have no faith in politics. I’m not a politician. If I thought you could change human hearts by laws, I would, but I don’t. (Politics Quotes)
Ultimately, my books are not about the politics, although the toil and the struggle and the wars in Afghanistan have a significant impact on the lives of my characters. (Politics Quotes)
Will I criticize Hillary Clinton on her position of TPP, or the lack of position? Will I criticize her on her views of Wall Street? Will I criticize her on foreign policy? That’s what democracy is about, but taking cheap shots at people, making it personal, I don’t think that’s what politics should be about. (Politics Quotes)
My mother, she worked in the mayor’s office in Chicago when I was growing up and has been in democratic politics for a long time. (Politics Quotes)
My definition of a ‘friend’ is, coming from Chicago, someone who says, ‘Yeah, sure. You know what? Let’s talk about what we can talk about. Let’s help each other out. Your politics are none of my business.’ (Politics Quotes)
I came into politics because of a real childhood concern about the Cold War. So to me the importance of the nuclear deterrent is actually really ingrained in me. (Politics Quotes)
It’s now our responsibility to prove to ourselves, to other nations, and especially to our children and our grandchildren, that politics is full of fun; politics has some wisdom. Politics is freedom. (Politics Quotes)
To balance China, the democracies will need new friends - and India with its fast-growing economy, youthful population, and democratic politics seems the obvious candidate. (Politics Quotes)
After the Tiananmen Massacre, I felt compelled not only to continue writing but to actively resist the restrictions placed on freedom of speech. I set up the publishing company in Hong Kong, with offices in Shenzhen in mainland China, and managed to publish works of fiction, philosophy, and politics by unapproved authors. (Politics Quotes)
Most people have a concentration in particular areas; it might be politics, it might be science, it might be business, it might be sports. I care about all of those, and that’s why I’ve chosen the formats I chose. (Politics Quotes)
We have this idea in our minds that there’s this separation of church and state in America, which I think is a good thing. And we extend that to our politics - not just church and state, but it’s also there’s a separation of religion and politics. But of course there isn’t. (Politics Quotes)
Church and state should be separate, not only in form, but fact - religion and politics should not be mingled. (Politics Quotes)
The liberal understanding of ‘the separation of church and state’ means that as the area of politics expands, the area of private freedom - religious and otherwise - shrinks. (Politics Quotes)
Educational institutes can no longer be prizes in church politics or furnish berths for failure in other walks of life. (Politics Quotes)
Kind of the bottom line for me, I don’t think people come to the church where I preach to hear my view on politics. (Politics Quotes)
On the subject of money and politics and the rest, I have a DARE: Disclose who are these people; Amend the Constitution to overturn Citizens United; Reform: let’s have public financing of campaigns; and Empower. (Politics Quotes)
Big money buys access in Washington, and access purchases influence. It is as simple as that. And they have basically given a green light, a further green light, after Citizens United, to the biggest money to have the bigger voice in our politics, and to sound out and drown out the voice of just ordinary citizens. (Politics Quotes)
I would want to see the Supreme Court reverse Citizens United and get dark, unaccountable money out of our politics. (Politics Quotes)
I’m not entirely sure what my end goal is, but I’d love to get involved in city politics and broadcast TV. (Politics Quotes)
As a result of reading science fiction when I was eight, I grew up with an interest in music, architecture, city planning, transportation, politics, ethics, aesthetics on any level,’s just total! It’s a complete commitment to the whole human race on all the Earth. That’s what science fiction is about. (Politics Quotes)
I’ve rarely kept my distance from kind of - I don’t know if we can call it politics, but kind of, civic engagement and that kind of thing, except I tended to think, ‘Well, do it yourself before you start telling other people what they should be doing.’ (Politics Quotes)
One’s politics are part of one even when one is writing. But if I want to say anything about the state of civil society, I will write an essay. The responsibilities you feel as a novelist are literary ones, I think, not civic ones. And I think politicians are interesting to write about. (Politics Quotes)
You cannot understand the politics of today without understanding the Civil Rights Movement and the role it played in our society. (Politics Quotes)
The next step has to be the necessary step. It’s always to put the immigrant community and the civil rights movement ahead of partisan politics. (Politics Quotes)
Something often neglected in popular accounts of the Wild West is the extent to which its dramas were colored by the politics and personal resentments left by the Civil War. (Politics Quotes)
If you are from an ordinary working class family, life is just much harder than many people in politics realise. (Politics Quotes)
I don’t know how many parts I’ve lost because a lot of the politics in California are very conservative, and I’m fairly outspoken. I always tried to get as much politics in as I could, because I do believe in class struggle, and I think that’s what’s left out. (Politics Quotes)
Allen Ginsberg was a world authority on the writing of William Blake, and had an incredible knowledge of classic literature and world politics. (Politics Quotes)
I’m not really involved with politics... I’m living in my cocoon with my classical music around. (Politics Quotes)