Politics Quotes

Text Quotes
My friendship with Martin [Schulz], by contrast, is completely different in that it goes far beyond politics. (Politics Quotes)
In politics, there are different categories of friendship. My friendship with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, for example . (Politics Quotes)
War is not the continuation of politics with different means, it is the greatest mass-crime perpetrated on the community of man. (Politics Quotes)
Sometimes I still don’t know if I’m prepared to go through the entire season, dealing with the different personalities, the crowds, the politics. (Politics Quotes)
What makes me laugh about politics, sometimes, is it seems like once we get to a point where our problems are seemingly unsolvable, it’s because we’re looking through a wrong point of view. If we turn the thing on its head, then maybe we might see it differently. (Politics Quotes)
I’m always amazed how many politicians have a very unlikely story, and when I talk to groups of students, I remind them that not everybody who gets into politics is a lawyer or went to school to study it. We all come to it for different reasons. (Politics Quotes)
I feel about politics the same way I do about religion: I find the best I can from different things. (Politics Quotes)
I’m always amazed that my wife can handle different subjects - one day politics, the next day foreign policy. And she always has so much fun doing it. We make a good team. (Politics Quotes)
When certain causes become prairie fires, politicians make difficult choices, and often at the expense of someone like Jeremiah Wright and Walter Jenkins. That’s the cruel nature of American politics, where the end becomes the consummate objective, and sometimes the means to get there come at a great price. (Politics Quotes)
Politics is dirty. Politics is exciting. Politics is often very, very difficult and disappointing. And I really would rather the world would be a little more like it was when my dad was young, where you knew pretty much where people stood on the great moral issues. (Politics Quotes)
Politics only makes the difficult challenge of marriage even harder, with the demands of the job and the public spotlight it casts on a union. (Politics Quotes)
Politics is so difficult, it’s generally only people who aren’t quite up to the task who feel convinced they are. (Politics Quotes)
Politics has become very unpredictable, making things so very difficult for individuals and also for companies. (Politics Quotes)
I know that the politics around trade can be very difficult - especially in an election year (Politics Quotes)
The Egyptian Revolution makes it clear, if anybody was in doubt, that digital technologies are going to play a powerful role in the future of global politics. (Politics Quotes)
The proliferation of outlets that digital technology has enabled has itself contributed to the changing nature of what we regard as ‘news’ and the way in which many citizens perceive politics. (Politics Quotes)
Bike lanes - I put that now in the category of things you shouldn’t discuss at dinner parties, right? It used to be money and politics and religion. Now, in New York, you should add bike lanes. (Politics Quotes)
The vision I see is not only a movement of direct democracy, of self- and co-determination and non-violence, but a movement in which politics means the power to love and the power to feel united on the spaceship Earth... (Politics Quotes)
I don’t want to be a politician. I don’t like politics. It’s petty; it fights dirty. (Politics Quotes)
I’ve always tried to avoid politics because most politicians that I know are quite dirty in terms of human dignity, ethics and morals. (Politics Quotes)
I’m used to politics at an international level: people put together an argument and, even if you vehemently disagree with them, well, you can recognise it’s an argument and respond. (Politics Quotes)
Women - why aren’t you running the world yet? Frankly I’m disappointed in you. Men are still far too dominant for their own good, and consequently we’ve made a testosterone-sodden pig’s ear of just about everything: politics, the economy, religion, the environment ... you name it, it’s in a gigantic man-wrought mess. (Politics Quotes)
I’m not really interested in politics, because I think it’s just too removed from my own life. If there’s a war, though, or a disaster, I want to know what’s happening. (Politics Quotes)
What we ought not do is play politics with those who’ve been afflicted by disasters. This should not be controversial. Stop playing politics, do the right thing for the country and let’s make sure we’re not making politics with disaster relief. (Politics Quotes)
I don’t think I can remember a moment in my life where people didn’t discuss politics. People discuss politics at the table. (Politics Quotes)
Sometimes people say I’m a political comedian, which, actually I’m not. I’m a comedian who sometimes discusses politics, culture - again, the word ‘politics’ to me is just life. (Politics Quotes)
Committed partisans are generally the most knowledgeable voters, independents the least. And the more political knowledge people have, the more apt they are to discuss politics with people who agree with, and reinforce, them. (Politics Quotes)
I think one of the problems when we discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict is people talk too much in terms of, ‘What’s your preference?,’ like politics is a Chinese menu - I’ll take one from column A and two from column B. That’s not what politics is about. (Politics Quotes)
I think today that politics registers very late things which society manifests through other channels, and I feel that often politics distorts and mystifies reality. (Politics Quotes)
Literature offers not just a window into the culture of diverse regions, but also the society, the politics; it’s the only place where we can keep track of ideas. (Politics Quotes)