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Polka Quotes

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Polka will never die  (Polka Quotes) There is never a wrong time for a polka dot  (Polka Quotes) I don’t think there is ever a wrong time for a polka dot  (Polka Quotes) To dance is human, to polka is divine  (Polka Quotes) Probably 90 percent of my albums have polka medleys  (Polka Quotes) To Norwegians, the polka is a form of martial art  (Polka Quotes) I think my first bikini, I was four and it was polka dotted and I had a big belly and I looked dashing  (Polka Quotes) Polka dots can’t stay alone. When we obliterate nature and our bodies with polka dots we become part of the unity of our environments  (Polka Quotes) Things just evolve. I sort of have no control over what happens with the songs. Sometimes I’m afraid I might wake up one morning with an entire record of polka songs  (Polka Quotes) Anybody is qualified, according to everybody, for giving opinions upon poetry. It is not so in chemistry and mathematics. Nor is it so, I believe, in whist and the polka. But then these are more serious things  (Polka Quotes) When we think back to our forefathers, with their sedentary lives of forest-chopping, railroad-building, fortune-founding, their fox-hunting and Indian taming, their prancing about in the mazurka and the polka, with their coattails flying and their bustles bouncing, to say nothing of their all-day sessions with the port and straight bourbon,... we must realize that we are a nation, not of neurasthenics, but of sissies and slow-motion sports  (Polka Quotes) Suppose I put polka dots all over my body and then cover my background completely with polka dots. The polka dots on my body, merging with those in the background, create an optically strange scene.  (Polka Quotes) Polka dots can’t stay alone. When we obliterate nature and our bodies with polka dots, we become part of the unity of our environments.  (Polka Quotes) Since my childhood, I have always made works with polka dots. Earth, moon, sun and human beings all represent dots; a single particle among billions.  (Polka Quotes) The polishedness and the sophistication were what I was interested in. I mean, give me a polka dot, a floral print, a pleated dress, a big fur coat, that was always my language, and it wasn’t very in when I was starting out, so I had a difficult time in the beginning.  (Polka Quotes) I can’t say enough good things about my band. I feel very fortunate that I found them when I did, very early in my career. Not only are they just great, nice guys; they’re some of the best musicians you’re likely to find. They do everything from gangsta rap to polka music and every genre in between. It’s amazing.  (Polka Quotes)