Pomp Quotes
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Text Quotes
Why, what is pomp, rule, reign, but Earth and dust and, live we how we can, yet die we must (Pomp Quotes)
Who would be so mocked with glory, or to live but in a dream of friendship, to have his pomp and all what state compounds but only painted, like his varnished friends? (Pomp Quotes)
Should the poor be flattered? No; let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp, and crook the pregnant hinges of the knee where thrift may follow fawning (Pomp Quotes)
Within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king, keeps death his court; and there the antick sits, scoffing his state, and grinning at his pomp (Pomp Quotes)
Take physic, pomp; expose thyself to feel what wretches feel, that thou mayst shake the superflux to them and show the heavens more just (Pomp Quotes)
Ordinary human motives will appeal in vain to the ears which have heard the tones of the heavenly music; and all the pomp of life will show poor and tawdry to the sight that has gazed on the vision of the great white throne and the crystal sea (Pomp Quotes)
O, now, for ever farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content! Farewell the plumed troop and the big wars that make ambition virtue! O, farewell! Farewell the neighing steed and the shrill trump, the spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, the royal banner, and all quality, pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war! And, o you mortal engines, whose rude throats the immortal jove's dread clamours counterfeit, farewell! Othello's occupation's gone! (Pomp Quotes)
Funeral pomp is more for the vanity of the living than for the honor of the dead (Pomp Quotes)
What countries, what visitations, what pomp would satisfy me as thoroughly as Blackwater Woods on a sun filled morning, or, equally, in the rain? (Pomp Quotes)
Her polish'd limbs, veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire; beyond the pomp of dress; for loveliness needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is, when unadorn'd the most (Pomp Quotes)
And the plain ox, that harmless, honest, guileless animal, in what has he offended? He whose toil, patient and ever ready, clothes the land with all the pomp of harvest (Pomp Quotes)
A gift - it's kind, it's value and appearance; the silence or the pomp that attends it; the style in which it reaches you - may decide the dignity or vulgarity of the giver (Pomp Quotes)
Behold him in conceited circles sail, strutting and dancing and now planted stiff, in all his pomp of pageantry, as if he felt the eyes of Europe on his tail (Pomp Quotes)
The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow’r, and all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave, await alike the inevitable hour: the paths of glory lead but to the grave (Pomp Quotes)
A noble life crowned with heroic death, rises above and outlives the pride and pomp and glory of the mightiest empire of the Earth (Pomp Quotes)
The fate of peoples is made like this, two men in small rooms. Forget the coronations, the conclaves of cardinals, the pomp and processions. This is how the world changes: a counter pushed across a table, a pen stroke that alters the force of a phrase, a woman’s sigh as she passes and leaves on the air a trail of orange flower or rose water; her hand pulling close the bed curtain, the discreet sigh of flesh against flesh (Pomp Quotes)
Young gentlemen, who are to display their knowledge to the world, should have every motive of emulation, should be formed into regular classes, should read and dispute together, should have all the honors, and, if one may say so, the pomp of learning set before them, to call up their ardor. It is their business, and they should apply to it as such (Pomp Quotes)
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