Pop Quotes

Text Quotes
You touched my hand, my heart went pop. Ooh, when we kissed, I could not stop (Pop Quotes)
I’ve always liked people who know me to like me, because I think I’m quite likeable. But people who make up their minds based on the image in the papers or a voice on a pop record? They’re idiots (Pop Quotes)
I’m kind of at a point in my career where I can get away with traditional stuff and then get away with some more rocky and pop and edgier stuff, too (Pop Quotes)
As a pop star, you don’t have to be that smart for people to think you’re intelligent (Pop Quotes)
Online business models are still evolving. New and different products and services pop up every day. This gives rise to supporting products and services. A business can make substantial profit by helping others execute their plans for making money (Pop Quotes)
I’m a sucker for pop melodies, things you can’t get out of your head (Pop Quotes)
If I wanted to be a pop singer, I would have done that 20 years ago. I love country music (Pop Quotes)
You have to be respectful of pop culture, because people interpret it in the way they want (Pop Quotes)
I do not think that a museum needs to engage with pop culture in order to make itself interesting to museumgoers. Museums are already interesting and engaging with pop culture for its own sake is just a quick way to seem and become dated (Pop Quotes)
Sometimes with pop music, you have to see it to love it. With soul music, it’s sparse. There’s nothing that’s pretentious or planned. It’s just so gutsy (Pop Quotes)
We have been stuffed full of praise for mediocrity and had our foibles diagnosed away with hyphenated jargon and pop psychology (Pop Quotes)
It’s just amazing to do something that’s part of a pop culture phenomenon (Pop Quotes)
I love pop culture. I love to be inside of it, and step outside and look back in (Pop Quotes)
Learn to listen. It’s amazing the ideas that pop into your head while people are saying them into your ear (Pop Quotes)
Inspiration means that you don’t have to figure things out, or think about them. Ideas and answers pop into your head and the energy carries you forward, if you allow it. Planning... is a way of ritually killing inspiration, which transcends the need for planning (Pop Quotes)
I don’t go to clubs and throw money and pop bottles. That’s not my thing, no disrespect (Pop Quotes)
If I pop everyone who calls me a diva then I’m going to spend the rest of my life in prison (Pop Quotes)
It’s not about pop culture, and it’s not about fooling people, and it’s not about convincing people that they want something they don’t. We figure out what we want. And I think we’re pretty good at having the right discipline to think through whether a lot of other people are going to want it, too. That’s what we get paid to do (Pop Quotes)
Pop music is music that’s made more accessible to people. And there’s a certain lifestyle and everything that goes with it normally (Pop Quotes)
There’s something retro about the pop culture references in the paintings, so I’d imagine it’s not as much a pop culture reference as a pop art reference (Pop Quotes)
Everybody’s able to pour into each other creatively, and pop into the studio and pop out. It feels like a community. As an artistic community I think it’s really cool (Pop Quotes)
The challenge is to translate the song into something that works on the stage. It’s pop music, but I try to keep it as loose as possible (Pop Quotes)
I’ve grown up playing pop music for the experimental crowd and I always feel like I’m pushing something weird on people. I had this underdog feeling. It’s crazy that all of a sudden I’m the overhyped band you read about on the blogs (Pop Quotes)
What I’m bringing to the pop table is that I’m not pretentious. I’m fighting this war against all that because pop music, in my opinion, should be fun (Pop Quotes)
My mom and I are very honest with each other, almost to a fault. But that’s just the way I am in life. If you listen to my record, I’m just honest about stupid stuff most normal people wouldn’t put in a pop song (Pop Quotes)
And this is the origin of pop music: it’s a professional music which draws upon both folk music and fine arts music as well (Pop Quotes)
I think people who just know me from my band think I don’t like pop music. The truth is I love pop music (Pop Quotes)
Music and visual performance have to influence each other. Designers and musicians have to be the nexus of all things pop culture, so I think about designers when I’m making music (Pop Quotes)
I don’t understand how most pop stars live this life being told what to do, what to wear, all the time. Maybe money does mean more to some people (Pop Quotes)
Sometimes pop artists, it’s all about clothes and pyro. My thing is about my band (Pop Quotes)