Pope John Paul II Quotes

Text Quotes
The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous prayer! Marvelous in its simplicity and its depth. In the prayer we repeat many times the words that the Virgin Mary heard from the Archangel, and from her kinswoman Elizabeth (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
The poor of the United States and of the world are your brothers and sisters in Christ. You must never be content to leave them just the crumbs from the feast. You must take of your substance, and not just of your abundance, in order to help them. And you must treat them like guests at your family table (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
And everything else will then turn out to be unimportant and inessential except this: father, child, and love. And then, looking at the simplest things, we will all say, Could we have not learned this long ago? Has this not always been embedded in everything that is? (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
God is Love. We eventually have to ask ourselves the question; why was Love nailed to a cross? (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Do not be afraid to be saints. Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of freedom and light. Be open to the Lord so that He may lighten all your ways (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
[Speaking of marriage and family] In this entire world there is not a more perfect, more complete image of God, Unity and Community. There is no other human reality which corresponds more, humanly speaking, to that divine mystery (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us, and does not now bear with us (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Dear young people of every language and culture, a high and exhilarating task awaits you: that of becoming men and women capable of solidarity, peace and love of life, with respect for everyone. Become craftsmen of a new humanity, where brothers and sisters - members all of the same family - are able at last to live in peace (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Those who advocate euthanasia have capitalized on people’s confusion, ambivalence and even fear about the use of modern life-prolonging technologies. Being able to choose the time and manner of one’s death, without regard to what is chosen is presented as the ultimate freedom (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Euthanasia and assisted suicide are never acceptable acts of mercy. They always gravely exploit the suffering and desperate, extinguishing life in the name of the ‘quality of life’ itself (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Christ is the sacrament of the invisible God - a sacrament that indicates presence. God is with us (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s Will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God! (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Freedom is not the ability to do anything we want, whenever we want. Rather, FREEDOM is the ability to live responsibly the truth of our relationship with God and with one another (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
What really matters in life is that we are loved by Christ and that we love Him in return (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Pray and learn to pray! Deepen your knowledge of the Word of the Living God by reading and meditating on the Scriptures (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Bless, O Lord of the centuries and the millennia, the daily work by which men and women provide bread for themselves and their loved ones. We also offer to your fatherly hands the toil and sacrifices associated with work, in union with your Son Jesus Christ, who redeemed human work from the yoke of sin and restored it to its original dignity (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Allow the light and the healing presence of Christ to shine brightly through your lives. In that way, all those who come in contact with you will discover the loving kindness of God (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Christ called as his Apostles only men. He did this in a totally free and sovereign way (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Prayer gives us light by which to see and to judge from God’s perspective and from eternity. That is why you must not give up on praying! (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Economic activity, especially the activity of a market economy, cannot be conducted in an institutional, juridical or political vacuum. On the contrary, it presupposes sure guarantees of individual freedom and private property, as well as a stable currency and efficient public services (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Confession is something we will never outgrow, even if we become the saints God made us to be. Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Calcutta were revered even during their lifetime; but both made frequent use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A prayer so simple and so rich; from deepest heart, I exhort all to recite it (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Violence is a crime against humanity, for it destroys the very fabric of society (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
The animals possess a soul and men must love and feel solidarity with our smaller brethren. All animals are fruit of the creative action of the Holy Spirit and merit respect and they are as near to God as men are. (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
It’s better to cry than be angry, because anger hurts others while tears flow silently through the soul and cleans the heart. (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire. (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Furthermore, because God created it, The human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve its splendour and its beauty. (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Christian holiness does not being sinless, but rather it means struggling not to give in and always getting up after every fall. (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
God comes to us in the things we know best and cane verify most easily, the things of our everyday life. (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Take heart young people! Christ is calling you and the world awaits you! Remember the Kingdom of God needs your generous and complete dedication. (Pope John Paul II Quotes)