Pope John Paul II Quotes

Text Quotes
All of us experience the sad effects of blind submission to consumerism. In the first place it represents crass materialism. At the same time it represents a radical dissatisfaction because one quickly learns that the more one possesses, the more one wants, while deeper aspirations remain unsatisfied and perhaps even stifled (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Modern society will find no solution to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its lifestyle. In many parts of the world society is given to instant gratification and consumerism while remaining indifferent to the damage which these attitudes cause. Simplicity, moderation and discipline, as well as a spirit of sacrifice, must become part of everyday life, lest all suffer the negative consequences of the careless habits of a few (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
The truth of faith about creation is radically opposed to the theories of materialistic philosophy. These view the cosmos as the result of an evolution of matter reducible to pure chance and necessity (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Those who perceive in themselves... the artistic vocation as poet, writer, sculptor, painter, musician, and actor feel at the same time an obligation not to waste this talent but to develop it, in order to put it to service of their neighbour and the humanity as a whole (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Born and nurtured when the human being first asked questions about the reason for things and their purpose, philosophy shows in different modes and forms that the desire for truth is part of human nature itself (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Truth can never be confined to time and culture; in history it is known, but it also reaches beyond history (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
On my knees, I beg of you to turn away from the paths of violence and to return to the path of peace. Those who resort to violence always claim that only violence brings about change. You must know there is a political, peaceful way to justice (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Treating a person as a means to an end, and an end moreover which in this case is pleasure, the maximization of pleasure, will always stand in the way of love (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
How can such episodes of such savage cruelty happen? The heart of man is an abyss out of which sometimes emerge plots of unspeakable ferocity capable of overturning in an instant the tranquil and productive life of a people (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Technology that pollutes can also cleanse, production that amasses can also distribute justly, on condition that the ethic of respect for life and human dignity, for the rights of today’s generations and those to come, prevails (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
From now on it is only through a conscious choice and through a deliberate policy that humanity can survive (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
The cemetery of the victims of human cruelty in our century is extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Wars generally do not resolve the problems for which they are fought and therefore... prove ultimately futile (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
You are our dearly beloved brothers, and in a certain way, it could be said that you are our elder brothers (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Work bears a particular mark of man and of humanity, the mark of a person operating within a community of persons (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace... Peace will be the last word of history (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Life is entrusted to man as a treasure which must not be squandered, as a talent which must be used well (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
A person’s rightful due is to be treated as an object of love, not as an object for use (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
... if desire is predominant it can deform love between man and woman and rob them both of it (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Friendship, as has been said, consists in a full commitment of the will to another person with a view to that person’s good (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Take away from love the fullness of self surrender, the completeness of personal commitment, and what remains will be a total denial and negation of it (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Limitation of one’s freedom might seem to be something negative and unpleasant, but love makes it a positive, joyful and creative thing. Freedom exists for the sake of love (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
There is no dignity when the human dimension is eliminated from the person. In short, the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Once the truth is denied to human beings, it is pure illusion to try to set them free. Truth and freedom either go together hand in hand or together they perish in misery (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
If development is the new name for peace, war and preparations for war are the major enemy of the healthy development of peoples. If we take the common good of all humanity as our norm, instead of individual greed, peace would be possible (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
The obligation to earn one’s bread presumes the right to do so. A society that denies this right cannot be justified, nor can it attain social peace (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
We can pray perfectly when we are out in the mountains or on a lake and we feel at one with nature. Nature speaks for us or rather speaks to us. We pray perfectly (Pope John Paul II Quotes)
Every effort to make society sensitive to the importance of the family, is a great service to humanity (Pope John Paul II Quotes)