Population Quotes

Text Quotes
Our great history has been that people came to Michigan because you didn’t have to have a college degree to get a good-paying job. Consequently, we have got a larger number of our population that right now are facing outsourcing, et cetera, without higher or advanced degrees. (Population Quotes)
I am particularly surprised that certain outlets look at pass rates irrespective of student population. As if inner city high school kids are to fare as well as college students. (Population Quotes)
These people who come to Comic-Con and dress up - all across the country, the rest of the population who doesn’t understand are scoffing at them. (Population Quotes)
Vast sections of the world’s population are inspired by the same desires and live for common interests that bind them together far more than they separate them. (Population Quotes)
It is common knowledge now that we depend on insects for our continued existence; that, without key pollinators, the human population would collapse in less than a decade. (Population Quotes)
Tom Paine was a great American visionary. His book, Common Sense, sold a couple of hundred thousand copies in a population of four or five million. That means it was a best seller for years. People were thoughtful then. Hope is one thing. But you need to have hope with thought. (Population Quotes)
I won’t compare ants and people, but ants give us a useful model of how single members of a community can become so organized that they end up resembling, in effect, one big collective brain. Our own exploding population and communication technology are leading us that way. (Population Quotes)
The world is a bell curve. Classroom test scores, employee performance in a company or how many people really, really like you. No matter the population you’re studying, they always fit neatly across the standard deviations of the famous bell curve. (Population Quotes)
It’s much easier for a middle class Indian entrepreneur to start up a computer company than it is for an Indian company to build roads and transportation systems suitable for a population that is getting wealthier and demanding more basic services. (Population Quotes)
This Constitutional Republic called America is an historic aberration. Any honest student of history will note that the prevailing socio-economic system is feudalism, where a tiny minority control the vast majority of wealth, power, and resources. In doing so, they have absolute control over the 99% of the population. Power equals control. (Population Quotes)
Out of one pocket we pay billions of our tax dollars to support the production of expensive, disease-causing foods. Out of the other pocket, we pay medical bills that are too high because our overweight population consumes too much of these rich, disease-causing foods. (Population Quotes)
I see feminism as a massive party. It’s cool, the idea that 50% of the population can now start doing things and having fun and experimenting with their hair and makeup. (Population Quotes)
As the nation’s elderly population grows, dozens of industries have tried to harness the political might of older Americans for corporate goals. (Population Quotes)
Why not look at Indonesia? It will be the third biggest country in the world in population in 25 years’ time - after India and China. (Population Quotes)
In the 1820s, the U.S., Japan, and the U.K. were some of the only countries where the average population received at least two years of formal schooling. (Population Quotes)
No Muslim country has ever done as much as Turkey to make itself over in the image of a European nation-state; the country’s westernised elite brutally imposed secularism, among other things, on its devout population of peasants. (Population Quotes)
No segment of the population has lost more by the agendas of the liberal constituencies of the Democratic Party than the black population. The teachers’ unions, environmental fanatics and the ACLU are just some of the groups to whose interests blacks have been sacrificed wholesale. Lousy education and high crime rates in the ghettos, and unaffordable housing elsewhere with building restrictions, are devastating prices to pay for liberalism. (Population Quotes)
Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation. (Population Quotes)
Simply getting a country’s population online is not going to trigger a revolution in critical thinking. (Population Quotes)
By creating false environment of a war on drugs, and cruel and unusual punishment with these crimes, 50% of our U.S. population is in jail without having hurt anybody, mostly for drugs. (Population Quotes)
People aren’t wired to be alone. Even in the stressful population of prison, solitary confinement is still considered a cruel punishment. (Population Quotes)
I think it’s just been a core part of the Cuban revolution to have a very high level of internationalism. I mean, these cases you’ve mentioned are cases in point, but the most extreme case was the liberation of Africa. Take the case of Angola for example, and there are real connections between Cuba and Angola-much of the Cuban population comes from Angola. (Population Quotes)
Immigration is an organized replacement of our population. This threatens our very survival. We don’t have the means to integrate those who are already here. The result is endless cultural conflict. (Population Quotes)
Today, due to the massive Chinese population transfer, the nation of Tibet truly faces the threat of extinction, along with its unique cultural heritage of Buddhist spirituality. (Population Quotes)
South Africa never leaves one indifferent. Its history, its population, its landscapes and cultures - all speak to the visitor, to the student, to the friend of Africa. (Population Quotes)
Turkey has a very young, dynamic, curious population. In Europe, Facebook and Twitter are mostly about sharing daily experiences while for Turkish people, social networks are political platforms. (Population Quotes)
As the president of Kosovo, I am more concerned about the current situation with the employment standing at around 70 % of the population, which is young, with great potential, speaking many foreign languages and having wide expertise. (Population Quotes)
The ‘Cold War’ impinged on the daily lives of Americans. The wars after 11 September 2001 have been fought without the general American population having to make any sacrifices. It goes on, and so do we. (Population Quotes)
Issues relating to global health and sustainability must stay high on the agenda if we are to cope with an ageing and ever-increasing population, with growing pressure on resources, and with rising global temperatures. The risks and dangers need to be assessed and then confronted. (Population Quotes)
While ‘Friends’ was about a 20-something population and what they were going through, they were also dealing with issues with their family. (Population Quotes)