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Porky Quotes

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I’ve been doing Porky Pig for 21 years for Warner Brothers  (Porky Quotes) What he wrote was this: The great tragedy of my life is that in my search for the Holy Grail everyone calls True Love, I see myself as Zorro, a romantic and mysterious highwayman - and the women I desire see me as Porky Pig  (Porky Quotes) Mel Blanc passed away in 89, and they held auditions, and I did my first job [as Porky Pig] in 1990  (Porky Quotes) Despite the fact that wanted to voice aclassic character, a majority of my day-to-day is not Porky Pig. It’s commercials and original characters, promos and other aspects of the business. Porky’s just kind of high-profile  (Porky Quotes) Mel Blanc is a hero because of what he could do with his voice for all the Looney Tunes, the Warner Brothers cartoons, to be the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig.  (Porky Quotes) Mel Blanc passed away in 89, and they held auditions, and I did my first job [as Porky Pig] in 1990.  (Porky Quotes)