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Portable Quotes

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Wildly successful sites such as Flickr, Twitter and Facebook offer genuinely portable social experiences, on and off the desktop. You don’t even have to go to Facebook or Twitter to experience Facebook and Twitter content or to share third-party web content with your Twitter and Facebook friends.  (Portable Quotes) Greed squeezes your dreams into a portable size, so that failure can easily carry them to dump somewhere.  (Portable Quotes) I had a portable 8-track player under all my ramps, cranking one of my four 8-tracks - Cars/’Candy-O,’ Ramones/’Road To Ruin,’ Cheap Trick/’Heaven Tonight’ and the first Devo record. I don’t remember skating without music.  (Portable Quotes) It is an advantage to all narrow wisdom and narrow morals that their maxims have a plausible air; and, on a cursory view, appear equal to first principles. They are light and portable. They are as current as copper coin; and about as valuable.  (Portable Quotes) Nothing endures unless it has first been transposed into a myth, and the great advantage of myths is that they are ladies with portable roots  (Portable Quotes) At this late hour a wagon has been procured, and I have had it filled with plate and the most valuable portable articles, belonging to the house  (Portable Quotes) The best aphorisms are... portable wisdom, the quintessential extracts of thought and feeling. They furnish the largest amount of intellectual stimulus and nutriment in the smallest compass. About every weak point in human nature, or vicious spot in human life, there is deposited a crystallization of warning and protective proverbs  (Portable Quotes) No medicine man these days can afford to be without a portable tape recorder. Without the aid of this modern device, which may be easily concealed in the undergrowth of the jungle, the old tribal authority will rapidly become undermined by the mounting influenece of modern skepticism  (Portable Quotes) The demand for digital textbooks has increased since its introduction to the marketplace. As students become more familiar with them and computers get faster, larger and more portable, this product will gain in popularity  (Portable Quotes) I’m portable. I carry a laptop and a little recording studio on my back  (Portable Quotes) I now have a home recording studio, which I can operate entirely on my own, as well as a portable version of the same which allows me to record anywhere I like and simply swap out the hard drives for use in the home studio  (Portable Quotes) The art and architecture of the past that we know is that which remains. The best is that which remains where it was painted, placed or built. Most of the art of the past that could be moved was taken by conquerors. Almost all recent art is conquered as soon as it’s made, since it’s first shown for sale and once sold is exhibited as foreign in the alien museums. The public has no idea of art other than that it is something portable that can be bought. There is no constructive effort; there is no cooperative effort. This situation is primitive in relation to a few earlier and better times  (Portable Quotes) How do people relate to movies now, when they’re on portable devices or streaming them? It’s not as much about going to the movies. That experience has changed  (Portable Quotes) The pleasure of the religious man is an easy and portable pleasure, such an one as he carries about in his bosom, without alarming either the eye or the envy of the world  (Portable Quotes) Painters strike me as having warm uncomplicated friendships and probably more natural generosity than the practitioners of any other art. Perhaps this is because painting is such a portable, flexible thing  (Portable Quotes) A work of art when placed in a gallery loses its charge, and becomes a portable object or surface disengaged from the outside world  (Portable Quotes) Just the idea to have everything you need essentially stored in one piece of portable technology is very exciting  (Portable Quotes) Typography tended to alter language from a means of perception and exploration to a portable commodity  (Portable Quotes) If you want an application to be portable, you don't necessarily create an abstraction layer like a microkernel so much as you program intelligently  (Portable Quotes) Silence is a very concrete, practical, and useful discipline in all our ministerial tasks. It can be seen as a portable cell taken with us from the solitary place into the midst of our ministry. Silence is solitude practiced in action  (Portable Quotes) Money is a miraculous thing. It is your personal energy reduced to a portable form and endowed with power you yourself do not possess. It can go where you cannot go; speak languages you cannot speak; lift burdens you cannot touch with your fingers; save lives with which you cannot deal directly  (Portable Quotes) Opportunity expands when there is excellence and choice in education, when taxes are lowered, when every citizen has affordable, portable health insurance and when constitutional freedoms are preserved  (Portable Quotes) I’m hoping that these series, that originally aired in the 80’s and 90’s, prove to be as entertaining online and on portable devices as they were when first broadcast on network television  (Portable Quotes) Something happens to us all when we experience something as a unit that doesn’t occur when we’re on our couches or holding our little portable DVD players  (Portable Quotes) Portable designs have the power to transform unused public spaces into dynamic environments that build and invite communal experiences  (Portable Quotes)
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