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Labor force participation peaked in early 2000, so its decline began well before the Great Recession. A portion of that decline clearly relates to the aging of the baby boom generation. But the pace of decline accelerated with the recession.  (Portion Quotes) When you allow enemies to live and grow within your territory, you have positioned yourself to be killed when you never thought such can be your portion.  (Portion Quotes) I love weights, but it’s too far to get to the gym. So I make the farm my gym: I split wood and haul tires and do work on the farm, and that’s sort of my weight training portion.  (Portion Quotes) I have profoundly mixed feelings about the Affordable Care Act. What I love about it is its impulse. It attempts to deal with this intractable problem in American health care life, which is that a significant portion of the population does not have access to quality medical care.  (Portion Quotes) I spent a good portion of my life being unable to honor my feelings. When I started the process of having real friendships it was a huge change. I still struggle with it because it is not familiar ground.  (Portion Quotes) I’m a big fan of Barack Obama. I think he carries a heavier burden and is held to a greater and higher standard than other candidates : I think there’s a large, large portion of this country that feels disenfranchised and marginalized by the political process.  (Portion Quotes)
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