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It is only after a fair portion of one’s life that one really knows what are the things that matter, the things that will remain until the end  (Portion Quotes) Many people strive for personal freedom throughout their adult lives, and never attain it. First, they become imprisoned a good portion of their lives by their jobs. Then, after they leave the work force, they become imprisoned by retirement  (Portion Quotes) To meditate with humility, consider existence. It is infinite. You are finite. You are a finite portion of infinite existence. Let this be your meditation  (Portion Quotes) Death is a doorway. It is a very small, thin doorway and only a portion of our being can walk through  (Portion Quotes) Whatever each man can separately do, without trespassing upon others, he has a right to do for himself; and he has a right to a fair portion of all which society, with all it combinations of skill and force, can do in his favor. In this partnership all men have equal rights; but not to equal things  (Portion Quotes) Somewhere a portion of contemporary art has to exist as an example of what the art and its context were meant to be  (Portion Quotes) Rent is the portion of the earth, which is paid to the landlord for the user of the original and indestructible powers of the soil  (Portion Quotes) ...a pie so delicate, so luscious, that I hope to be propped up on my dying bed and fed a generous portion. Then I think that I should refuse outright to die, for life would be too good to relinquish  (Portion Quotes) He that gives a portion of his time and talent to the investigation of mathematical truth, will come to all other questions with a decided advantage over his opponents  (Portion Quotes) Obviously those who burn to be professional jesters mean that they want to be successful comedians. And those are always an elite, microscopic portion of the population. But oh, how they try  (Portion Quotes) The domestic life of most classes is relatively shabby, as compared with the éclat of that overt portion of their life that is carried on before the eyes of observers  (Portion Quotes) Real life... it was an ambiguous world, where actions sometimes had no meaning, where chaos reigned and no one was allowed to see the big picture, only their small portion of it  (Portion Quotes) This was my prayer: an adequate portion of land with a garden and a spring of water and a small wood to complete the picture  (Portion Quotes) A critical knowledge of the evolution of the idea of property would embody, in some respects, the most remarkable portion of the mental history of mankind  (Portion Quotes) An essential portion of any artist’s labor is not creation so much as invocation  (Portion Quotes) Love occupies a vast space in a woman’s thoughts, but fills a small portion in a man’s life  (Portion Quotes) Books that children read but once are of scant service to them; those that have really helped to warm our imaginations and to train our faculties are the few old friends we know so well that they have become a portion of our thinking selves  (Portion Quotes) There is a deeper portion of our being that we rarely allow others to see. Call it a soul maybe, this is the place that holds the most value. All else can drift but this. When this dies our body has no meaning  (Portion Quotes) We have a middle class that lives on a razor blade. So sometimes when you say poverty, you neglect a large portion of the population  (Portion Quotes) If you can make a big impact on the global literacy problem, you can uplift a big portion of society  (Portion Quotes) In reviewing the history of the times through which we have passed, no portion of it gives greater satisfaction or reflection, than that which represents the efforts of the friends of religious freedom and the success with which they are crowned  (Portion Quotes) Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation  (Portion Quotes) Judges ought to be more leaned than witty, more reverent than plausible, and more advised than confident. Above all things, integrity is their portion and proper virtue  (Portion Quotes) Exclusively of the abstract sciences, the largest and worthiest portion of our knowledge consists of aphorisms: and the greatest and best of men is but an aphorism  (Portion Quotes) A portion of mankind take pride in their vices and pursue their purpose; many more waver between doing what is right and complying with what is wrong  (Portion Quotes) If all misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart  (Portion Quotes) Thy lot or portion of life is seeking after thee; therefore be at rest from seeking after it  (Portion Quotes) Our instinctive emotions are those that we have inherited from a much more dangerous world, and contain, therefore, a larger portion of fear than they should  (Portion Quotes) It is not for man to rest in absolute contentment. He is born to hopes and aspirations as the sparks fly upward, unless he has brutalized his nature and quenched the spirit of immortality which is his portion  (Portion Quotes) No government, any more than an individual, will long be respected without being truly respectable; nor be truly respectable, without possessing a certain portion of order and stability  (Portion Quotes)
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