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I am convinced with Plato , with St. Paul, with St. Augustine, with Calvin , and with Leibnitz, that this universe, and every smallest portion of it, exactly fulfils the purpose for which Almighty God designed it.  (Portion Quotes) I spend a good portion of my dinner-party conversation defending America because no matter what the political agenda, it’s still a fantastic, amazing place.  (Portion Quotes) A large portion of the weekend effects is explained by differences in the amount of time spent with friends or family between weekends and weekdays.  (Portion Quotes) I have no intention of selling any more of the historical Apollo 11 items in my possession for the remainder of my life. I intend to pass a portion of these items on to my children and to loan the most important items for permanent display in suitable museums around the country.  (Portion Quotes) I have dedicated a significant portion of my time and artistry to making art that addresses various forms of oppression, including white supremacy, misogyny, and biphobia.  (Portion Quotes) When you start noticing even a small portion of all there is to be grateful for, you’ll find there is no room for lack, hurt, or want. The attitude of gratitude: the great, full feeling.  (Portion Quotes) One thing that God revealed to me is that we as Christians are going to have to get a portion of the media so that we can present the good news on a major basis the way that they’re presenting the bad news on a major basis.  (Portion Quotes) I love being new places and hate getting there, and have been known to say on multiple occasions that I would give anything from a piece of my soul to a limb to a portion of my life savings to teleport. Especially when bad weather keeps me off planes.  (Portion Quotes) You may be basing a portion of your self-worth on your bank account without even realizing it. Try to pinpoint the activities and qualities that, free of charge, fulfill you.  (Portion Quotes) The economy may be complex, but Americans understand that the Wall Street banks control an outsized portion of the economy and that they have an outsized interest in their own profits.  (Portion Quotes) In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved, until I learned how to become free. Sara Niles Torn From the Inside Out  (Portion Quotes) After 1957, Israel had to wait 10 full years for its flag to fly again over that liberated portion of the homeland.  (Portion Quotes) On the one hand, there is no reason that a black person needs to live a portion of his or her life being concerned about the people of color around him. On the other hand, if you don’t you’re crazy.  (Portion Quotes) Human beings are social animals; we devote a significant portion of our brain just to dealing with interactions with other humans.  (Portion Quotes) The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with those who matter to you most.  (Portion Quotes) My feeling is that if you can make a big impact on the global literacy problem, you can uplift a big portion of society.  (Portion Quotes) Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in the blood of his followers and the sacrifices of his friends.  (Portion Quotes) Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in blood of his followers and sacrifices of his friends.  (Portion Quotes) I won’t sell any Facebook shares as long as I’m on the board. When I leave, all my Facebook shares will be donated to two or three D.C. education-related charities I’ve supported over the years. Thus, a small portion of Facebook’s success will be shared with low income students in Washington.  (Portion Quotes) Football is entertainment in which the audience is expected to delight in gladiatorial action that a growing portion of the audience knows may cause the players degenerative brain disease.  (Portion Quotes) I don’t know if a penny’s dropped somewhere, but you’ve had ‘Lark Rise to Candleford,’ you’ve had ‘Cranford,’ you’ve had ‘Last Tango in Halifax,’ you’ve had ‘Call the Midwife’... I think the largest portion of the viewing public are over 55, and they like to see people they can identify with.  (Portion Quotes) We manufacture automotive components including critical engine and axle parts for passenger cars, diesel engines and medium and heavy commercial vehicles. Till 1997, our focus was almost entirely on the domestic market with a relatively insignificant portion of revenues from exports.  (Portion Quotes) God is our portion, Christ our companion, the Spirit our Comforter, Earth our lodge, and Heaven is our home.  (Portion Quotes) There never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other.  (Portion Quotes) One has a responsibility to clean up one’s space and make it livable as far as one’s own resources go. That includes not only material resources, but psychological resources: the commitment of time and a portion of your mind to something when you’d rather be doing something else.  (Portion Quotes) I played football for a huge portion of my life, all the way through college actually  (Portion Quotes) When you’re telling stories, you are actually trying to illuminate some portion of the truth in an artful way. The story may immediately seem to be a lie, but it’s like an impressionistic painting - you see the light and the color better than you would with a photo-realistic piece.  (Portion Quotes) A good portion of the things you want in life is outside your comfort zone  (Portion Quotes) I learned how to eat right and learned portion control and how to exercise. Staying persistent over the years, I have been able to change the way I’m perceived on the outside.  (Portion Quotes) To be honest with you, I still eat whatever I want. It’s all about portion control. I still love pizza, but instead of eating half, I eat a slice.  (Portion Quotes)
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