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Porto Quotes

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Burly, dozing humblebee, where thou art is clime for me. Let them sail for Porto Rique, far off heats through seas to seek. I will follow thee alone, thou animated torrid zone!  (Porto Quotes) In the same way that I had to follow an Italian manager here, I can imagine that it was not easy for an Italian manager to follow me at Porto  (Porto Quotes) If I had wanted to be protected in a quiet job, I could have stayed at Porto. I would have been second, after God, in the eyes of the fans even if I had never won another thing  (Porto Quotes) I fell a bit in love with Celtic, because the atmosphere was amazing and the crowd was magnificent, the way they behaved with the Porto fans  (Porto Quotes) On the one hand, Porto Monenegro is shape-shifting - it replaced a naval shipyard with a new marina - but it’s also mind-shifting, opening up an array of other small business opportunities. And this shape-shifting and mind-shifting, it is exactly what we’re trying to do in Montenegro.  (Porto Quotes)