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Actors are as good as they allow themselves to be, and to portray life, you have to have as broad an experience of it as you possibly can, so everything’s worth it  (Portray Quotes) I don’t intend to be insensitive to the victims and their families but, at the same time, as an actor, it’s our job, and we are obligated to portray the characters in the most realistic way possible  (Portray Quotes) With music, you can portray a certain thing, but in film, sometimes you have to let yourself go to a point where that can be attractive to a person, that you’re willing to let yourself go that much. It works both ways  (Portray Quotes) Whatever good I have accomplished as an actress I believe came in direct proportion to my efforts to portray black women who have made positive contributions to my heritage  (Portray Quotes) The media tends to portray the teenage world as one where drinking and sex is taken for granted. In fact, I think most teenagers don’t drink, are unsure of themselves, and feel awkward around members of the opposite sex  (Portray Quotes) I don’t worry about how accurately I convey my personality. I learned early on that it’s almost impossible to accurately portray yourself  (Portray Quotes) I always feel a responsibility to the people I write about. I feel obligated to portray them in the way they feel is proper  (Portray Quotes) Anything that exists on the human palette is, from my point of view, fair game for artists to portray. You don’t have to go see it if you don’t want to, so don’t go  (Portray Quotes) I always wanted to do dramas. Ever since I was young, I wanted to be in a role where I could play a prostitute or a drug addict, because it’s nice to be able to portray someone who is so far from you, which I love  (Portray Quotes) I don’t have to sympathize or empathize with a human being in order to be able to portray them. I mean, some of the greatest roles that actors have been able to play haven’t been the most endearing on screen  (Portray Quotes) I do not portray the thing in itself. I portray the passage; not a passing from one age to another, or, as the people put it, from seven years to seven years, but from day to day, from minute to minute  (Portray Quotes) The literary artist will... portray what he knows, and little else. Imagination is built upon knowledge, and his dreams will rest upon his facts. He is worth to the world just about what he has learned from it, and no more  (Portray Quotes) I was shaped in college into a performance artist. I never really thought of myself as being one singular thing. I think of myself as an artist and I feel no restrictions when it comes to how I want to portray what I want to portray  (Portray Quotes) I find it rather easy to portray a businessman. Being bland, rather cruel and incompetent comes naturally to me  (Portray Quotes) The novel does not seek to establish a privileged language but it insists upon the freedom to portray and analyze the struggle between the different contestants for such privileges  (Portray Quotes) Every artist picks what they want to put out there, what image they want to portray, and what they want people to know about where they’re from  (Portray Quotes) Women often have a great need to portray themselves as sympathetic and pleasing, but we’re also dark people with dark thoughts  (Portray Quotes) Never does a man portray his character more vividly than when proclaiming the character of another  (Portray Quotes) The ability to portray people in still life and in motion requires the highest measure of intuition and talent  (Portray Quotes) I don’t have an image that I’m trying to, like, portray. I’m just being me  (Portray Quotes) I want to be seen here in my simple, natural, ordinary fashion, without straining or artifice; for it is myself that I portray... I am myself the matter of my book  (Portray Quotes) No prosaic description can portray the grandeur of 40 miles of rugged mountains rising beyond a placid lake in which each shadowy precipice and each purple gorge is reflected with a vividness that rivals the original  (Portray Quotes) I would say some of the food I talk about that I really enjoy, like cake and bacon, I eat a lot less than I portray in my act. But that stuff that I dislike, it’s pretty sincere  (Portray Quotes) If you are curious as to what your future may hold, you can look into a mirror. What is reflecting back? Does a sparkle in your eyes indicate excitement about new adventures and opportunities? Does a smile on your lips portray an inner happiness and abundant goodwill towards others?  (Portray Quotes) You know, in this business, you don’t have any control over what the press says and how they portray things. And that’s their prerogative. But I think anybody who looks at it objectively has trouble making the case that somehow this is a bad economy  (Portray Quotes) Fear, anger, stubbornness, and distrust portray themselves as your rescuers. Actually these energies only make you more closed off. Tell yourself: Nobody ever solved a situation by panicking; no one ever solved a situation by refusing to hear new answers; no one solved a situation by shutting down  (Portray Quotes) The best part? Probably being able to portray such a respectable, ethical, intelligent, strong woman. That’s still pretty rare in our business, unfortunately  (Portray Quotes) I’m not going to get into the writer’s skills or what he was trying to portray because that’s not fair. I can only say what I felt was trying to be portrayed there  (Portray Quotes) They’re pretty particular about what they show. They certainly edit the scripts and have conversations with the writers about what they are and aren’t willing to portray. But the writers and the network are pretty much on the same page  (Portray Quotes) One has the responsibility to oneself, to the writer, director and the people who put up the money, to put out the best of what one has experienced and understood about the human condition as it relates to the role one has been hired to portray  (Portray Quotes)
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