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Positive Quotes

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The POSITIVE THINKER sees the INVISIBLE, feels the INTANGIBLE, and achieves the IMPOSSIBLE  (Positive Quotes) There is a positive and personal relationship between the Egyptian people and the Syrian people  (Positive Quotes) There is no racial or ethnic involvement in Thanksgiving, and people who may be very distant from the Christian system can see the beauty and the positive spirit that comes from the holiday  (Positive Quotes) They’ve been fairly positive, as firm as they could be in regards to the derivatives operations in Montreal. We didn’t sense that there was a hesitation about it. But things change  (Positive Quotes) This place? Nothing positive. OK, I want to say something positive. It’s positively a dump  (Positive Quotes) We have a positive vision of the future founded on the belief that the gap between the promise and reality of America can one day be finally closed. We believe that  (Positive Quotes) We need a positive economic agenda that invests in the innovation and growth that will create jobs for middle class families and ensure that America remains the world leader  (Positive Quotes) We would like to ease the life of the Palestinians. I prepared a new plan that we call a positive agenda  (Positive Quotes) What I have is P. H. positive chronic myeloid leukemia, which is an aberration in your white blood cells  (Positive Quotes) When I was a kid, no one would believe anything positive that you could say about black people. That’s a terrible burden  (Positive Quotes) When you think about the day-to-day, positive impact on the lives of U. S. citizens, there is no relationship that we have in the world that is more important than our relationship with Canada  (Positive Quotes) Whence it follows that God is absolutely perfect, since perfection is nothing but magnitude of positive reality, in the strict sense, setting aside the limits or bounds in things which are limited  (Positive Quotes) While only about half of the voters feel they know very much about Reagan or what he stands for, the Republicans who do have a very positive perception of him  (Positive Quotes) Women tell me they are different since 21 May - the day I was arrested - it’s a positive change, they believe now  (Positive Quotes) You should tell yourself frequently ‘I will only react to constructive suggestions.’ This gives you positive ammunition against your own negative thoughts and those of others  (Positive Quotes) Do we care about these people that are HIV - positive whose lives have been ruined? Those are the people I’m the most concerned about. Every night I think about this  (Positive Quotes) I spend a lot of time with my family. I go to bed early, don’t watch too much television, don’t read everything that’s written about me whether positive or negative  (Positive Quotes) I have the opportunity to do something positive, I want to stay positive. It’s hustling backwards in my eyes when I can earn money legitimately. This is what I want to do  (Positive Quotes) I’ve got a lot of different religious ideas circling through my family, but the positive thing is that I was raised with a lot of openness and compassion  (Positive Quotes) You have to have passion for everything you do, and you’ve got to look at the positive side  (Positive Quotes) Doesn’t matter how menial may be the job that you’re doing today. If you have dreams, that will turn into something positive in the future  (Positive Quotes) I write mostly positive reviews. I don’t write about places that don’t interest me  (Positive Quotes) I feel like half the battle is not giving up and staying positive. If you don’t have anyone in your corner or anyone in your ear, being positive helps you believe that you can get through it  (Positive Quotes) I don’t remember those early playoff games. Keep it positive. I’m a different player. More focused. I know how important it is to score in the playoffs  (Positive Quotes) I never really worried about stats in the minor leagues. I was more concerned with getting better and bringing a positive attitude every day  (Positive Quotes) I’ve resolved so many things in my life. I like the idea of showing that you can go through a lot and still be on your feet, still be working, and still be positive about life  (Positive Quotes) Of course, with showbiz there’s a lot of negative things, along with the positive, and it’s just what you choose to focus on. And I choose to focus on the positive  (Positive Quotes) I believe correcting is the positive approach. I believe in the positive approach. Always have  (Positive Quotes) I’m generally a very annoyingly positive person, in real life. I think that might have something to do with my gravitation towards angry human beings on screen  (Positive Quotes) Gay pride’s beautiful. If somebody needs to be expressing that, then it’s a positive thing  (Positive Quotes)
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