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When I decided to be a musician I was hoping that it would be one of my contributions in having a positive impact on the world. That’s always what I wanted to do  (Positive Quotes) It’s my mission to try and give people fighting the disease the same gifts of laughter and a positive attitude I had. Hopefully, my career as a comic will give me the forum to touch these people  (Positive Quotes) Please use anger for something positive like hurting people that deserve it or writing jokes  (Positive Quotes) Pimp stands for Positive Intellectual Motivated Person. It has nothing to do with selling sex for money  (Positive Quotes) Being able to motivate girls to reach for their dreams, and giving them someone positive to look up to  (Positive Quotes) Always people have counted me out since I got in the league. It never made me any difference. I kept myself around positive people, got a great support system and just kept at it  (Positive Quotes) I definitely feel moved and affected after interviews, but not in a way that’s anything other than positive. There are moments that make me want to cry, but not in any way I can’t handle  (Positive Quotes) I want to be a positive influence in little girls’ eyes. Little girls need to be confident and grow up with a healthy state of mind. It’s a tough, tough world out there  (Positive Quotes) My parents, Gary and Patricia, let me be in my world. They never told me what I couldnt do. It helped me adapt in a positive way  (Positive Quotes) Bands that have positive lyrics that give people hope, I applaud them, you know I think we need to see more bands come out like that. I think it is great  (Positive Quotes) Love is the feeling we get when we recognize the positive attributes in another  (Positive Quotes) I try to keep myself grounded and to stay true to who I am through every experience, positive or negative  (Positive Quotes) We are all going through some sort of struggle, so I try to keep that in mind when someone makes me angry. I also know that being positive is a choice, and I try to make that choice every day  (Positive Quotes) I know that positive energy begets positive energy. I know that when I decide to see the good in something or someone, it’s returned to me tenfold  (Positive Quotes) Politico reports, multiple advisers to the Right To Rise super Pac concede privately that the $40 million spent on positive ads aimed at telling Bush`s story yielded no tangible dividends  (Positive Quotes) We were very grateful that the response [for Jessica Jones series] has been so positive. If we get a great review, then more people watch it. It’s so exciting!  (Positive Quotes) I think it is optimistic and positive - it’s quite contradictory in that sense - from the lyrics. Until you actually read them, maybe they can seem contradictory  (Positive Quotes) I am inspired by positive people who have overcome difficult obstacles, motivational/spiritual books, nature, and my kids  (Positive Quotes) Cruelty towards animals and child abuse make me feel vulnerable. I wish there was more I could do. I try to spread positive messages through my social media  (Positive Quotes) I have removed a lot of negative influence in my life and try to surround myself with positive people. I have a much more simple life than the old days  (Positive Quotes) I think the work is always personal. This album differs. It seems to be a lot more positive. It seems to have a certain amount of optimism about it  (Positive Quotes) When you’re out there in Vancouver doing your thing, and then you come down and you see how positive people are - people who are so jazzed and so supportive  (Positive Quotes) If you never lived out your sexuality - it’s a great force, and if you try to fight it, what does that create? Energy: positive and negative, self-loathing  (Positive Quotes) And in part that’s good but then, like any emotion - and this is something we learned from the research as well - there are positive and negative aspects to all of these  (Positive Quotes) A, surround yourself by positive people who will help you reach your goal and support you. And B, go for it!  (Positive Quotes) I desire to have a dialogue that’s positive, and communicative and moves forward, and is about something real, not just consumption  (Positive Quotes) There’s positive attention and there’s negative attention - negative attention is easy, positive attention requires actual hard work  (Positive Quotes) Over time, the games we play can change how we think and what we’re capable of. And it’s easy to maximize the benefits so the changes are positive  (Positive Quotes) Social media is new to me and I didn’t think I would like it, being very protective of my private space, but it’s nice to connect to the love and positive vibes folks have to share  (Positive Quotes) It’s easy to gravitate toward something negative as opposed to something positive, especially if you’re an outsider  (Positive Quotes)
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