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Positive Quotes

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To keep my head healthy, [I’m] trying to meditate every morning, which is something I’m sort of getting into more, realizing that it’s really positive to do every day  (Positive Quotes) Jesus Christ’s mercy and power indwells us and gives us the strength to make a positive difference  (Positive Quotes) The worst moment from all of this was driving from that doctor’s office, to tell my wife that I was HIV positive  (Positive Quotes) Be positive! Its not about who hurt you and broke you down. Its about who was always there and made you smile again  (Positive Quotes) Not only do happy people endure pain better and take more health and safety precautions when threatened, but positive emotions undo negative emotions  (Positive Quotes) When life demands a response, give yourself a moment to find the most positive and meaningful one  (Positive Quotes) You know what someone just glows, every encounter they have with someone the outcome is always positive  (Positive Quotes) Happiness is found by living your life day to day, smiling and surrounding yourself with positive and loving people  (Positive Quotes) Select positive role models. Choose role models that help you feel good about who you are, rather than ones who make you feel bad  (Positive Quotes) Surround yourself with positive people who will support you when it rains, not just when it shines  (Positive Quotes) I’m too blessed to worry about what someone else has going on. I only associate with positive people  (Positive Quotes) Love being in such a positive atmosphere! It’s always makes for a better day!  (Positive Quotes) Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose to stay positive and be strong  (Positive Quotes) Things may not go the way you planned, but that doesn’t mean you lose hope. Stay positive and stay focused  (Positive Quotes) The key to a happier and positive life is by surrounding yourself with those who appreciate you, love you, and make you feel better  (Positive Quotes) We can tentatively credit capitalist civilization with a positive, if very geographically uneven, record in the struggle against disease  (Positive Quotes) Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated  (Positive Quotes) If a person is not willing to accept the negative, they will never find the positive solution  (Positive Quotes) A positive attitude will have positive results because attitudes are contagious  (Positive Quotes) To lead other people is to be able to impact them in a positive way: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically  (Positive Quotes) Don’t expect positive things to occur in your life if you surround yourself with negative people  (Positive Quotes) You can’t expect to see positive changes if you’re surrounded by negative people  (Positive Quotes) Good food is a right, not a privilege. It brings children into a positive relationship with their health, community and environment  (Positive Quotes) Let’s be positive today, even with people who are rude, just smile to them and walk away. They are not worth to spoil a perfectly good day!!  (Positive Quotes) If you change your thoughts into the positive ones, you will notice some positive changes in your life  (Positive Quotes) Stay positive. Whatever’s happening now is preparing us for a better tomorrow. Never judge the situation, release the outcome!  (Positive Quotes) Im at that point where its time to move on. This sounds negative but its a positive thing. Progression  (Positive Quotes) The thing you need to do is enjoy the ride while you’re on it. Think positive, be positive, and positive things will happen  (Positive Quotes) Stop fearing what could go wrong. Start being positive about what could go right  (Positive Quotes) Jealousy is normal. What you have to do is to make it into your positive motivation, so it won’t destroy you  (Positive Quotes)
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