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Positive Quotes

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Commitment, belief and positive attitude are all important if you’re going to be a success, whether you’re in sports, in business or, as in my case, anthropology.  (Positive Quotes) A sober mind, an unemotional heart and a positive attitude are key for success  (Positive Quotes) Positive mental attitude is the right mental attitude in all circumstances. Success attracts more success while failure attracts more failure.  (Positive Quotes) Creating the right mind-set and a positive attitude today, will help you to start crafting a clear plan of how you intend to make your life a success.  (Positive Quotes) So long as you’ve got your friends about you, and a good positive attitude, you don’t really have to care what everyone else thinks.  (Positive Quotes) Every child’s taste is different. Don’t worry if they’re not reading ‘War and Peace’ at age 12. First, build a good foundation and a positive attitude about reading by letting them pick the stories they enjoy. Make friends with a bookseller or librarian. They are a wealth of information on finding books that kids enjoy.  (Positive Quotes) I know there’s millions of problems in the world, but if you dwell on those, then you’re going to be miserable. I think my meditation helps me to transcend and get beyond the grip of all the negativity and regenerate from within a more positive attitude, which comes in very handy when you’re going to do 150 concerts a year.  (Positive Quotes) A God-focused attitude is positive and directs you to better the lives of those you love while giving God the glory.  (Positive Quotes) What happen to you are tiny matters? You can overcome every hurdle with positive attitude.  (Positive Quotes) There was always a feeling for me that it would work. That’s what keeps me going. You go in with a positive attitude and stay there, and that’s a big part of what does make it work.  (Positive Quotes) Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather than saying it can’t be done.  (Positive Quotes) How do you nurture a positive attitude when all the statistics say you’re a dead man? You go to work.  (Positive Quotes) Always go into meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself you’re going to make this the best deal for all parties.  (Positive Quotes) Really you just gotta keep chugging along and keep a positive attitude and get through all the problems. You gotta face them, otherwise you don’t get through.  (Positive Quotes) I think a lot of times we don’t pay enough attention to people with a positive attitude because we assume they are naive or stupid or unschooled.  (Positive Quotes) With positive attitude and persistent endurance, you can overcome any challenge  (Positive Quotes) A positive attitude from you tends to produce a positive attitude toward you  (Positive Quotes) Your biggest asset is a positive attitude. That more than anything else determines your earnings.  (Positive Quotes) Avoid arguments, but whenever a negative attitude is expressed, counter with a positive and optimistic opinion.  (Positive Quotes) Until the end of time, a winning positive attitude will always conquer all struggles, challenges and obstacles.  (Positive Quotes) When we’re passionate about something, we have a positive attitude and embrace each day with a new outlook.  (Positive Quotes) Positive thinking is a good attitude to have. But positive thinking without any skills is a load of crap.  (Positive Quotes) I believe you can do 99 percent of the things right but not possess a positive winning attitude, and you will fail.  (Positive Quotes) Laugh loud, and laugh often. It’ll keep you happy, keep you healthy, and keep your attitude headed in a positive direction.  (Positive Quotes) Faith is having a positive attitude about what you can do and not worrying at all about what you can’t do.  (Positive Quotes) A positive attitude is not going to save you. What it’s going to do is, everyday, between now and the day you die, whether that’s a short time from now or a long time from now, that every day, you’re going to actually live.  (Positive Quotes) Only people who’re positive enough to have friends have enemies. When you’re as glum and morose as he was, people just give up and go away.  (Positive Quotes) Yes, alas, I’ve been on some recording sessions where the music wasn’t good. Not so many, really, considering how many I’ve done. It’s a very awkward situation because to do a recording well you focus on the positive of what will make the piece better.  (Positive Quotes) I am positive - determined to move forward with my life, bring up my babies, and do the best job I can as a mother, entertainer, and person.  (Positive Quotes) Gentle birth, protecting mother and baby, is a solution that I believe will result in positive change for our society.  (Positive Quotes)
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