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Numerous things that go on such as the way Houston interacts with my family; we’re treated in a first-class way. They helped us when my wife lost our baby daughter in a miscarriage. They help with anything you ask of them because they are a very caring organization with positive attitudes about its players.  (Positive Quotes) I’m just not somebody who can sit around doing nothing, and all of us in the Foo Fighters have our own things outside of the band. I’m not going to use the cliche that those outlets bring us back fresh and with new ideas, but what I will say is that it keeps us all feeling free - and that creative freedom is a very positive thing.  (Positive Quotes) As a tennis player, you have to get used to losing every week. Unless you win the tournament, you always go home as a loser. But you have to take the positive out of a defeat and go back to work. Improve to fail better.  (Positive Quotes) The greatest testimony to the human spirit that I’m witnessing now is the fact that people still come back to work, after all that has been done to them. They are still willing to participate for a more positive future if they would be sincerely invited.  (Positive Quotes) You have a lot of ups and downs in coaching, especially, but I can’t remember any bad times at this point. I mean, they’re all good. A lot of tears when you lose, a lot of down times, but I can’t remember any of them. They’re all positive now. Even the bad times were good.  (Positive Quotes) It’s just hard now becauseyou’re jealous. But your heart is so generous and warm, it will melt the bad feelings away. I am 100 percent positive that my mom is the wisest mother in the world.  (Positive Quotes) It’s considered very, very bad karma, if I can cut to the chase, to take power from a teacher and not use it for something very positive.  (Positive Quotes) In nicey-nicey land, you must be happy-clappy and positive all the time - bad news is taboo  (Positive Quotes) My mother has had breast cancer twice. And my mother has always been this very positive human being: a glass-half-full type. Like, when she was in treatment and feeling really bad, she would always talk about some nurse that was particularly nice to her.  (Positive Quotes) All personality traits have their good side and their bad side. But for a long time, we’ve seen introversion only through its negative side and extroversion mostly through its positive side.  (Positive Quotes) One of the really positive things about minority government is that there is the necessity to broker policy positions. What happens is you get a hybrid of what a single party might do. And I don’t think that is a bad thing.  (Positive Quotes) Monopolies are bad and deserve their reputation when things are static and the monopolies function as toll collectors... But I think they’re quite positive when they’re dynamic and do something new.  (Positive Quotes) Even in a bad situation, there’s always a positive side. Even if you can’t see it yet.  (Positive Quotes) Every negative is a positive. The bad things that happen to me, I somehow make them good. That means you can’t do anything to hurt me.  (Positive Quotes) People naturally want to know about what happened, about my leukemia. They ask the same questions again and again. And there have been so many positive conclusions, even through the bad times, that I don’t mind at all to be reminded of my struggles.  (Positive Quotes) Hopefully I’m a role model for positive change for everyone - not just women. It’s very important to find balance between men and women.  (Positive Quotes) Accept the fullness in life’s balance, which demands that there are positive gifts along with adversity.  (Positive Quotes) I’ve never followed a vegan or vegetarian diet in the past, but I think I could do it. It would not be easy. I have worked with nutritionists who have said a vegan diet is not necessarily all positive for your health, because you need nutrients you only find in meats. I believe in a balanced diet.  (Positive Quotes) In our family health, it’s about having a balanced life, about laughing and staying on a positive note.  (Positive Quotes) The real metric of success isn’t the size of your bank account. It’s the number of lives in whom you might be able to make a positive difference.  (Positive Quotes) I hate banks. They do nothing positive for anybody except take care of themselves. They’re first in with their fees and first out when there’s trouble.  (Positive Quotes) All religions must be made child-proof. Our teachers’ unions have done good work in this field, K through 12. Delaying first communions and bar mitzvahs until age 21 would be another positive step.  (Positive Quotes) Commenting on baseball players who test positive for steroids: It?s an announced test, so you not only failed the steroid test, you failed the IQ test.  (Positive Quotes) All the time, I think positive things about baseball. That’s always how you do it. I’m a baseball player-that’s all I want to do, all the time, be better and better.  (Positive Quotes) Hillary Clinton has gotten every foreign policy challenge wrong. Hitting the reset button with Vladimir Putin - recall that she called Bashar Al-Assad a positive reformer and then she opened an embassy and then later she said, over, and over, and over again, Bashar Al-Assad must go. Although she wasn’t prepared to do anything about it.  (Positive Quotes) Parenting goes beyond providing foods, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities. Nurturing a child to travel in the direction of positive enlightenment, is arguably the greatest thing that you could do for a child.  (Positive Quotes) When it comes to team dynamics - on a basketball court or in a corporate setting - maintaining a positive atmosphere is crucial.  (Positive Quotes) I think what has happened to our basketball team, we’ve been badly distracted. They’re not reading too many positive things in the paper.  (Positive Quotes) I had many teachers that were great, positive role models and taught me to be a good person and stand up and be a good man. A lot of the principals they taught me still affect how I act sometimes and it’s 30 years later.  (Positive Quotes) The battle against cancer has made me strong. It’s like winning a war! When I was diagnosed, I was told by doctors my kidney, liver and other organs could fail. It was tough. I didn’t know if I could save my life. But I was positive, and because of that, the doctor told me that I would be a man who would never have cancer.  (Positive Quotes)
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