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Positive Quotes

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When the positive revolution takes hold it will no longer be enough for politicians to gain points through attack or being negative. Politicians will be expected to be constructive.  (Positive Quotes) The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.  (Positive Quotes) I can’t let time move on without fighting tooth and nail and hopefully being a part of a revolution that is positive.  (Positive Quotes) I think you need optimism. I believe that’s incredibly important that you be optimistic that you can do things different and still do them just as well. That’s very important to success - just to have a positive outlook. I know it’s not easy to do that.  (Positive Quotes) I believe everything negative that happens in your life is for a positive reason. If your heart breaks, you know that you are a human being and it happens. But you can’t mope over it. There’s only one life. You better get on ahead and fast. Fast enough not to let your past ever catch up with you.  (Positive Quotes) My appetite for public policy and changing it, and not only being a part of the conversation, but affecting it in a positive way, never diminished after 10 years in Congress.  (Positive Quotes) I am thrilled to support World of Children and its superlative efforts to fund changemakers around the world. It’s a great privilege to be associated with an organization that recognizes and funds those individuals really working in the trenches, and I look forward to being part of advancing positive change for children everywhere.  (Positive Quotes) The greatest rewards come when you give of yourself. It’s about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference.  (Positive Quotes) There’s a great difference between being positive and being delusional  (Positive Quotes) I know that being positive is a choice, and I try to make that choice every day  (Positive Quotes) My greatest talent is calmness and being positive. I concentrate on what you can do even in the worst of times. You don’t judge by last week’s errors or lost opportunity.  (Positive Quotes) When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a matter of perspective.  (Positive Quotes) I feel like half the battle is not giving up and staying positive. If you don’t have anyone in your corner or anyone in your ear, being positive helps you believe that you can get through it.  (Positive Quotes) I believe it’s our loss of connection with our instinctual side that prevents us from being effective pack leaders for our dogs. Perhaps it’s also why we also seem to be failing at being positive guardians of our planet.  (Positive Quotes) Part of positive psychology is about being positive, but sometimes laughter and clowns are not appropriate. Some people don’t want to be happy, and that’s okay. They want meaningful lives, and those are not always the same as happy lives.  (Positive Quotes) Nature isn’t positive in that way. It doesn’t aim itself at you. It’s not being unkind to you.  (Positive Quotes) A positive mindset, not a doomsday mentality, supports being exceptional  (Positive Quotes) Nothing can stop you from being happy except yourself. Focus on positive thoughts.  (Positive Quotes) Very few positive experiences begin with being told to count back slowly from ten  (Positive Quotes) When you see anyone being targeted, support her or him with a positive comment or emoji  (Positive Quotes) Being from a minority culture, I realised the importance of looking at non-Western cultures in a positive way.  (Positive Quotes) If you want to be positive, upbeat, and passionate, you need to take responsibility for being that way.  (Positive Quotes) Being able to motivate girls to reach for their dreams, and giving them someone positive to look up to.  (Positive Quotes) You have to learn how to harness technology so you can use it for positive stuff without being disconnected from nature.  (Positive Quotes) The single most outwardly identifiable trait demonstrated by a winning human being is that of positive self-expectation- which is pure and simple optimism.  (Positive Quotes) All positive interactions with other human beings involve, to some degree, the experience of visibility-- that is, the experience of being seen and understood.  (Positive Quotes) As an actor, you know, I love not being pigeonholed, which is great. No one really knows who I am. So that’s a positive.  (Positive Quotes) Although our inattention can contribute to our lack of total well-being, we also have the power to choose positive behaviors and responses. In that choice we change our every experience of life!  (Positive Quotes) I would love to be remembered as a wonderfully dynamic and multitalented actress who left a legacy through her work and through her life of helping people and of being a positive force in the world.  (Positive Quotes) Your parents are supposed to tell you to make decisions that are gonna help you and that’ll have a positive effect on your life and your well-being.  (Positive Quotes)
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