Positive Thinking Quotes

Text Quotes
Life is too short to walk around angry so be happy and sing it out loud (Positive Thinking Quotes)
I don't care what you think of me, unless you think I'm awesome. In which case you are right (Positive Thinking Quotes)
The way to be happy is to turn negatives into positives (Positive Thinking Quotes)
My life isn't that great right now, but don't doubt me, my life will be great (Positive Thinking Quotes)
I am strong. I am kind. I am beautiful. I am smart. I am important. I am fearless. I am amazing (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Replace the word "problem" with the word "opportunity" in all your thoughts (Positive Thinking Quotes)
She's a dreamer, a doer, a thinker. She sees possibility everywhere (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Count your rainbows, not you thunderstorms (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats (Positive Thinking Quotes)
I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Today I will make magic happen (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Whatever you're saying the answer is yes! (Positive Thinking Quotes)
After all, tomorrow is another day (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Every little thing's gonna be alright (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Choose happy (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Anything could happen (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Don't worry good days are coming (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Life is too short for bad vibes (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Happiness lies within your attitude, not within what you have (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Believe (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Every day may not be good... but there's some good in every day (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Smile everyday (Positive Thinking Quotes)
You can do anything, but not everything (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen (Positive Thinking Quotes)
You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year (Positive Thinking Quotes)
positive thinking takes you far (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive (Positive Thinking Quotes)
Every positive thought you have will create more positive moments for your life (Positive Thinking Quotes)
You have thousands of thoughts a day. Don't waste most of them on negative things (Positive Thinking Quotes)