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Society is organized on the principle that any individual who possesses certain social characteristics has a moral right to expect that others will value and treat him in an appropriate way  (Possesses Quotes) Colour possesses me. It will always possess me. That is the meaning of this happy hour: colour and I are one. I am a painter  (Possesses Quotes) It is logical to assert that all matter possesses a property which is essentially akin to sensation, the property of reflection  (Possesses Quotes) He who possesses the source of enthusiasm will achieve great things. Doubt not. You will gather friends around you as a hair clasp gathers the hair  (Possesses Quotes) Everything ideological possesses meaning: it represents, depicts, or stands for something lying outside itself. In other words, it is a sign. Without signs there is no ideology  (Possesses Quotes) Several sorts of memory exist in us; body and mind each possesses one peculiar to itself. Nostalgia, for instance, is a malady of the physical memory  (Possesses Quotes) I do not understand how an aristocracy can exist, unless it be distinguished by some quality which no other class of the community possesses  (Possesses Quotes) They change their sky, not their mind, who cross the sea. A busy idleness possesses us: we seek a happy life, with ships and carriages: The object of our search is present with us  (Possesses Quotes) There is really nothing left to a genuine idle man, who possesses any considerable degree of vital power, but sin  (Possesses Quotes) Every man is prompted by the love of himself to imagine that he possesses some qualities superior, either in kind or degree, to those which he sees allotted to the rest of the world  (Possesses Quotes) Virginity, like all monstrosities, possesses special riches and its own absorbing grandeur. Among the chaste, life forces are economized and thus gain in resistance and durability  (Possesses Quotes) A face which is always serene possesses a mysterious and powerful attraction: sad hearts come to it as to the sun to warm themselves again  (Possesses Quotes) Shakespeare is one of the best means of culture the world possesses. Whoever is at home in his pages is at home everywhere  (Possesses Quotes) Friendship that possesses the whole soul, and there rules and sways with an absolute sovereignty, can admit of no rival  (Possesses Quotes) A great writer possesses, so to speak, an individual and unchangeable style, which does not permit him easily to preserve the anonymous  (Possesses Quotes) The rules have changed. True power is held by the person who possesses the largest bookshelf, not gun cabinet or wallet  (Possesses Quotes) The family provides the army and navy with the best men and boys that it possesses. And, as we have seen, education and science too are becoming means to the ends sought by the military  (Possesses Quotes) When a woman loves you she’s not satisfied until she possesses your soul. Because she’s weak, she has a rage for domination, and nothing less will satisfy her  (Possesses Quotes) History is now strictly organized, powerfully disciplined, but it possesses only a modest educational value and even less conscious social purpose  (Possesses Quotes) No species... possesses a purpose beyond the imperatives created by genetic history... The human mind is a device for survival and reproduction, and reason is just one of its various techniques  (Possesses Quotes) The right to work, I had assumed, was the most precious liberty that man possesses. Man has indeed as much right to work as he has to live, to be free, to own property  (Possesses Quotes) It often happens that when a person possesses a particular ability to an extraordinary degree, nature makes up for it by leaving him or her incompetent in every other department  (Possesses Quotes) On the other hand, the American public possesses a great resilience and strength, and good risk communication strategies can tap into and even amplify those assets  (Possesses Quotes) Two things are as big as the man who possesses them - neither bigger nor smaller. One is a minute, the other a dollar  (Possesses Quotes) For me, a novel relying too heavily on a single idea might be a dry, deadly thing unless it possesses an animating force  (Possesses Quotes) Truth is simple, but Illusion makes it infinitely intricate. The person is rare who possesses an insatiable longing for Truth; the rest allow Illusion to bind them ever more and more  (Possesses Quotes) A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends  (Possesses Quotes) An unusual sensation possesses my breast - a sensation which I once thought could never pervade it on any occasion whatever. It is pleasure, pleasure, my dear Lucy, on leaving my paternal roof  (Possesses Quotes) Accomplished a bit more for Bush than for Gore only because there were more question marks for Bush. I think he established that he possesses at least the minimum qualifications for being president  (Possesses Quotes) We Christians identify Christ with the sun, and the moon with the Church, the community of the faithful. No one, save Jesus Christ, possesses his or her own light  (Possesses Quotes)
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