Possibilities Quotes

Text Quotes
There is a silence that matches our best possibilities when we have learned to listen to others. We can master the art of being quiet in order to be able to hear clearly what others are saying... We need to cut off the garbled static of our own preoccupations to give to people who want our quiet attention (Possibilities Quotes)
When sight ceases, it is the time for faith to work. The greater the difficulties, the easier it is for faith. As long as human possibilities for success remain, faith does not accomplish things as easily as when all natural prospects fail (Possibilities Quotes)
I am convinced that most companies don’t maximize their barter possibilities. Instead of aggressively reducing costs by trading their services with those of their suppliers, they seem content to pay top dollar for everything (Possibilities Quotes)
Frauds master our minds; magicians, like poets and lovers, engage them in a permanent maze of possibilities (Possibilities Quotes)
The influence of geographic factors diminishes as technology grows. The character and contour of a terrain may offer opportunities for agriculture, mining, or trade, but only the imagination and initiative of leaders, and the hardy industry of followers, can transform the possibilities into fact... Man, not the earth, makes civilization (Possibilities Quotes)
I am talking about societies drained of their essence, cultures trampled underfoot, institutions undermined, lands confiscated, religions smashed, magnificent artistic creations destroyed, extraordinary possibilities wiped out (Possibilities Quotes)
I’m very open to any visual conceits and any possibilities at my disposal to be better explain to people the ideas I’m exploring (Possibilities Quotes)
I think somewhere around high school, your brain starts to gel, to harden. Before that, there’s this time where anything is possible and the more things that you artistically and educationally have in your repertoire, the more you become a child of larger possibilities (Possibilities Quotes)
We need to break free from the habits of mind and behavior, to discover the possibilities of who we can become (Possibilities Quotes)
Positive questions bring out the best in people, inspire positive action, and create possibilities for positive futures (Possibilities Quotes)
That humankind has fallen into the insanity of concensus trance, and lost touch with our true possibilities and functions is a tragedy (Possibilities Quotes)
Before you invest in anything else, exhaust the possibilities of investing in your own business first (Possibilities Quotes)
Clearly, the first task is to gain acceptance of a more reasonable view of the future, one that opens possibilities rather than forecloses them (Possibilities Quotes)
We do not ignore maturity. Maturity consists in not losing the past while fully living in the present with a prudent awareness of the possibilities of the future (Possibilities Quotes)
We are limited by our agreements on possibility. Agreement is a common exclusion of alternate possibilities. Agreement is the cement of social structure. Two or three gathered together, agreeing on what they are after, may create a subset in which their goals can be achieved, even though folly in the eyes of the world. The world in this case means a set of expectancies agreed upon, a set excluding other possibilities (Possibilities Quotes)
What is difficult to understand is that without conscious effort, nothing is possible. Conscious effort is related to higher nature. My lower nature cannot lead me to consciousness. It is blind. But when I wake up and I feel that I belong to a higher world, this is only part of conscious effort. I become truly conscious only when I open to all my possibilities, higher and lower. There is value only in conscious effort (Possibilities Quotes)
All great films are a resolution of a conflict between darkness and light. There is no single right way to express yourself. There are infinite possibilities for the use of light with shadows and colors. The decisions you make about composition, movement and the countless combinations of these and other variables is what makes it an art (Possibilities Quotes)
Life is so great in its opportunities and possibilities, that you should rise confidently above the inevitable trifles incident to daily contact with the world. Life is too precious to be sacrificed for the nonessential and transient... Ignore the inconsequential (Possibilities Quotes)
Just as the pianist practices the most complicated pieces to improve the technique of his fingers, so too a grandmaster must keep his vision in trim by daily analysis of positions with sharp possibilities, and this applies whether he prefers such positions in his play or not (Possibilities Quotes)
Once there is the slightest suggestion of combinational possibilities on the board, look for unusual moves. Apart from making your play creative and interesting it will help you to get better results (Possibilities Quotes)
When it comes to the origin of life there are only two possibilities: creation or spontaneous generation. There is no third way. Spontaneous generation was disproved one hundred years ago, but that leads us to only one other conclusion, that of supernatural creation. We cannot accept that on philosophical grounds; therefore, we choose to believe the impossible: that life arose spontaneously by chance! (Possibilities Quotes)
A book unwritten is a delightful universe of infinite possibilities. Set down one word, however, and it immediately becomes earthbound. Set down one sentence and it’s halfway to being just like every other bloody book that’s ever been written (Possibilities Quotes)
What’s next for technology and design? A lot less thinking about technology for technology’s sake, and a lot more thinking about design. Art humanizes technology and makes it understandable. Design is needed to make sense of information overload. It is why art and design will rise in importance during this century as we try to make sense of all the possibilities that digital technology now affords (Possibilities Quotes)
The machine does not teach playing flexibility, does not help in taking account of human facxtors in the battle, and on whole, strictly speaking, it restricts the possibilities for young players (Possibilities Quotes)
I want to create endless possibilities with this cello. I become the medium through which the music is being channeled (Possibilities Quotes)
The result is that a generation of physicists is growing up who have never exercised any particular degree of individual initiative, who have had no opportunity to experience its satisfactions or its possibilities, and who regard cooperative work in large teams as the normal thing. It is a natural corollary for them to feel that the objectives of these large teams must be something of large social significance (Possibilities Quotes)
We must live in the radiance of tomorrow, as our ancestors have suggested in their tales. For what is yet to come tomorrow has possibilities, and we must think of it, the simplest glimpse of that possibility of goodness. That will be our strength. That has always been our strength (Possibilities Quotes)
I was saying yes because when you’re in love, the world is full of possibilities, and when you’re in love, you want to take every single one of them (Possibilities Quotes)
Biology can be said to define possibilities but not determine them; it is never irrelevant but it is also not determinant (Possibilities Quotes)
Galactica has infinite possibilities. In fact, my character may be abnormal in the sense that she may be more independent than most of the women in classic space adventures (Possibilities Quotes)