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Poster Quotes

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I’m not a poster boy for good behavior and recovery in Hollywood, I’m just a guy who knows he has a lot to be grateful for.  (Poster Quotes) So her missing person’s poster features a girl with long hair and dreamy eyes that don’t see the fracture coming.  (Poster Quotes) My mom was the poster girl for the Marines. So she was in the poster saying, I want you. My parents were both Marines.  (Poster Quotes) I was the first journalist allowed on a hunting boat during harp seal season in almost 15 years. Around the late 1970s, white coat pups became the poster child for the anti-fur movement, and by the 80s, the media was lambasting the hunters for killing them.  (Poster Quotes) Ozzy, God bless him, is super talented. He is a great man. He is a man of heart and soul and goodwill. He is a very funny man but he is a perfect poster child of why I have never touched drugs, alcohol, tobacco or fast food.  (Poster Quotes) I’ve no desire to start a movement, to be the first name on an open petition, or to be the poster child for disgruntled writers.  (Poster Quotes) The scariest people to turn a movie over to are always the people who are drawing up the poster, because that’s the first impression it’s going to make. And very often it’s portraying a very different film from the one the actors actually did.  (Poster Quotes) With the Larry Bertlemann portrait, I started with a photograph that I could use for it. I built the drawing’s identity to serve as a graphic identity. After a number of sketches, I went into my own abstract vernacular of drawn lines and shapes to create the composition for the poster design.  (Poster Quotes) I’m definitely not trying to be, or am, a poster child for anything so structured. But I do have my own personal faith most definitely.  (Poster Quotes) The Toothbrush mustache is the most powerful configuration of facial hair the world has ever known. It overpowers whoever touches it. By merely doodling a Toothbrush mustache on a poster, you make a political statement.  (Poster Quotes) Also, everyone thinks they know Candide - you hear people described as ‘Panglossian’. So if Candide appears on a poster, it feels familiar.  (Poster Quotes) I had a friend who was a plastic surgeon, so he would do little things. I never had, like, a full thing. So I would go in maybe once every two or three years, and he’d do a little here, a little there; tweak you, like you tweak your car. Then I became the plastic surgery poster girl.  (Poster Quotes) I see people who work on their look and they work on their poster and their website and you know, the music will speak for itself no matter what. So if you put maybe like 95% of your energy on music and 5% on playing out and telling people about it. That’s kind of a good equation.  (Poster Quotes) I’m not a poster boy for misogyny and I don’t think hip-hop should be either  (Poster Quotes) In 1970, I was turning 29 years old, just 4 years out of art school. I had created a black and white drawing style mascot portrait called ‘Johnny.’ I made a poster for it and sent it around the world to corporate art departments.  (Poster Quotes) Don’t feel you have to buy something to sit in or at. Buy something you are emotionally attached to and build your design around that. One Matisse cutout poster could provide you with your whole color scheme!  (Poster Quotes) I didn’t ask anyone to make me a poster boy, because poster boys always end up on dart boards  (Poster Quotes) I don’t think I want to play title roles. I don’t want to be the face on the poster. I don’t want that pressure of having the success riding on my shoulders. I just want to play the most interesting parts. I actually think it’s incredibly rare to get an interesting female character that is the lead in a film. Usually the character parts are so much more interesting to play  (Poster Quotes) Japan is a model already to the lie that economic growth is the key to our future. If they can really show an alternative to nukes and fossil fuels, then they will be the poster boy for the renewable energy for the future  (Poster Quotes) I had given thought to acting, but I never really had a good enough opportunity or a character who made sense and paralleled my life a little bit. I feel like I’m one of the poster boys for a bad guy in a movie. I feel like I’m a good person to play a bad guy in a movie. I can say that  (Poster Quotes) Write me up for 125, poster my face wanted dead or alive. Take my license all that jive, I can’t drive 55  (Poster Quotes) In my early days, I was about 145 pounds. I was really a starving artist; the poster child for starving artists  (Poster Quotes) There was a massive poster of me down my road, right outside the chip shop. I was about to go in, but then I saw it and changed my mind. Me coming out with a bag of chips, while I’m up there doing crunches on the poster... well, it would not look good  (Poster Quotes) You have this special connection with someone if you’re their first record or their first concert or their first poster or whatever it is  (Poster Quotes) For after all, a poster does more than simply supply information on the goods it advertises; it also reveals a society’s state of mind  (Poster Quotes) My work is about making candy for the eyes. It’s about grabbing your attention. Even though my work is appearing in magazines I am trying to make a large picture. I want my photographs to read like a poster  (Poster Quotes) I have received a commission to make a poster against war. That is a task that makes me happy. Some may say a thousand times that this is not pure art... but as long as I can work, I want to be effective with my art  (Poster Quotes) The problem with romantic comedies is you know the ending by the poster. So they’re not movies you can keep doing over and over again expect satisfaction somehow  (Poster Quotes) You know, it was important for me to do something like that, because nobody ever really thought I could do anything except look sexy on a poster and go shopping  (Poster Quotes) It makes me proud, and it makes me scared. More than anything, I want to be an actor and I want to keep working, and I think there’s a danger in being perceived as a poster boy for something  (Poster Quotes)
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