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Potential Quotes

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The good news is that . . . humans are gifted by the potential for self-awareness and intelligent choice, and knowing our circumstance is an invitation to change.  (Potential Quotes) Self-leadership is about awareness, tolerance , and not letting your own natural tendencies limit your potential.  (Potential Quotes) When a storm of devastation approaches you from all directions it readily knows your unlimited potential of fighting back.  (Potential Quotes) Unleash your life’s potential! Don’t hold back on the things you’ve always wanted to do. Go for it!  (Potential Quotes) Potential is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.  (Potential Quotes) Children do have the potential to kill art. But now I think they kill the bad art. At least that is what my son has done for me.  (Potential Quotes) I think the Internet has real potential for building community. People all around the world talking to each other can’t be a bad thing.  (Potential Quotes) I quickly learned that asking if an interview space was wheelchair accessible was a bad idea; it gave a potential employer an immediate bad impression. It was either a black mark against my name, or a straight up discussion of why I wouldn’t be able to work there because they had no wheelchair access.  (Potential Quotes) I have experienced healing through other writers’ poetry, but there’s no way I can sit down to write in the hope a poem will have healing potential. If I do, I’ll write a bad poem.  (Potential Quotes) Your life is a reflection of how effectively you balance potential and kinetic energy  (Potential Quotes) A happy life, a life making full use of all our potential is and must be a balanced life. The obstacles to it are mainly illusory; most of our limitations are self-imposed.  (Potential Quotes) Shambhala teachings say we all have the potential to accomplish our enlightened nature - our basic goodness.  (Potential Quotes) Being a superstar means you’ve reached your potential, and I don’t think I’ve reached my potential as a basketball player and as a leader yet.  (Potential Quotes) I want to warn potential victims. Many of them are women, and many of them are battered women. It’s a cause for me. When I look back, though, so many of the books I’ve written are about wives who just couldn’t get away.  (Potential Quotes) In the journey of life, in the battle of destiny, everybody is a potential suspect  (Potential Quotes) In the journey of life, in the battle of destiny, everyone is a potential suspect and prospect as well  (Potential Quotes) I want to be a better person in every aspect. I really don’t feel I’ve in anyway fulfilled my potential in every area of my life. But I’m optimistic.  (Potential Quotes) Your potential exceeds your beliefs. Be courageous and chose the impossible.  (Potential Quotes) The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential.  (Potential Quotes) His best talent had yet to be determined, unless you counted unrealized potential  (Potential Quotes) For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement.  (Potential Quotes) Both friend and enemy reside within us. One lives by the rule of compassion, the other by the rule of hard knocks. Though potential influence of either extreme is inevitable, our actions bear witness to the one we embrace.  (Potential Quotes) Every moment has infinite potential. Every new moment contains for you possibilities that you can’t possibly imagine. Every day is a blank page that you could fill with the most beautiful drawings.  (Potential Quotes) People are starting to know more about it, but I was blown away by Almaty, Kazakhstan. It’s like a future Swiss Alps. It has the potential to be an extraordinary ski resort. It is a city with beautiful mountain scapes.  (Potential Quotes) Excellent anthology... a celebration of our goodness and our potential for growth. The sense of celebration is stretched by the beautiful photographs....  (Potential Quotes) My mother taught me that to maximize your philanthropic potential, you need to constantly challenge your capabilities and put yourself in situations that are not always comfortable. Through her example, I discovered that there is no more beautiful way to live a life than to live a life of service.  (Potential Quotes) Leadership is not something that is done to people, like fixing your teeth. Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.  (Potential Quotes) I’ve made mistakes in business, but none so big I couldn’t recover and learn from them. The more you try to change consumer behaviour, the riskier it gets. You have to work out your potential losses against the obvious gains.  (Potential Quotes) Technology will never rescue anyone from being a bad poet, but if you’re good, it has the potential to do a lot of exciting things.  (Potential Quotes) One of the by-products of being a perfectionist and constantly trying to improve myself are sobering feelings of low-grade anxiety and a nagging sense of inadequacy. But this is not anxiety without a purpose. No, this anxiety keeps me humble. It creates a healthy tension that serves as the catalyst that drives me to fulfill my limited potential.  (Potential Quotes)
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