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Potion Quotes

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We do not bear sweets; we are recruited by a bitter potion  (Potion Quotes) There is but one genuine love potion - consideration....  (Potion Quotes) Ocean is my potion, I need vitamin sea  (Potion Quotes) I felt my face stretch in a victorious smile. The potion had worked. I was inside. I had to suppress an urge to break into a soft shoe routine. Sometimes being able to use magic was so cool  (Potion Quotes) My fat cells have a memory like Einstein! I’m proof that surgery is not a magic potion. There are many ways to sabotage it.  (Potion Quotes) People of my generation in Portugal fell into the magic potion of political ideas. What was very funny about this revolution was that it did not bring wealth to the Portuguese. But it brought language, ideas. You’d go to the fish market, and all the women who were selling fish would call each other fascist, communist.  (Potion Quotes) If people are given the chance to experience life in more than one country, they will hate a little less. It’s not a miracle potion, but little by little you can solve problems in the basement of a country, not on the surface.  (Potion Quotes) There’s no lotion or potion that will make sales faster and easier for you - unless your potion is hard work.  (Potion Quotes) You can’t avoid fear. No magic potion will take it away. And you can’t wait for motivation to get you going. To conquer fear, you have to feel the fear and take action anyway.  (Potion Quotes) There is no greater love potion than regular coffee, brewed his own. When a man tries it, he was not going anywhere.  (Potion Quotes) Elixir’ means magical potion, so I wanted to depict the kind of bottle that was used in ancient times, but that looked modern and chic as well. I also wanted it to have a golden tint to evoke the memories of sands and sunsets.  (Potion Quotes) You can’t avoid fear. No magic potion will take it away. And you can’t wait for motivation to get you going. To conquer fear, you have to feel the fear and take action anyway  (Potion Quotes) Motivation is just this potion to create stuff, a compulsion to express the truth of my own experiences in this life  (Potion Quotes) The bitterness of the potion, and the abhorrence of the patient are necessary circumstances to the operation. It must be something to trouble and disturb the stomach that must purge and cure it  (Potion Quotes) I drank a second mouthful in which I find nothing more than in the first, then a third which gives me rather less than the second. It is time to stop; the potion is losing its magic  (Potion Quotes) Isn’t beer the holy libation of sincerity? The potion that dispels all hypocrisy, any charade of fine manners? The drink that does nothing worse than incite its fans to urinate in all innocence, to gain weight in all frankness?  (Potion Quotes) The search for one's first professional job is not unlike a magical love potion: when one wants to fall in love with the next thing one sees, one generally does  (Potion Quotes) Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility  (Potion Quotes) She was fascinated with words. To her, words were things of beauty, each like a magical powder or potion that could be combined with other words to create powerful spells  (Potion Quotes) Much of your pain is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self  (Potion Quotes) It’s actually the spirit helping the spirit; it is the doctor, the bed, the potion  (Potion Quotes) There is no better love potion than a coffee. When a man drinks the coffee made by you he will become forever yours  (Potion Quotes) I would like to be with my husband together sitting somewhere in a lonely place in the woods and take something, maybe some pills or something, a magic potion and die together  (Potion Quotes) The first coffee of the morning is never, ever, ready quickly enough. You die before it’s ready and then your ghost pours the resurrection potion out of the moka pot  (Potion Quotes) Cheap liquor is a magic potion that can turn you into a puppet cowboy before it kills you  (Potion Quotes) It is absurd to expect the inclinations and wishes of two human beings to coincide, through any long period of time. To oblige them to act and live together is to subject them to some inevitable potion of thwarting, bickering, and unhappiness  (Potion Quotes) If people are given the chance to experience life in more than one country, they will hate a little less. It’s not a miracle potion, but little by little you can solve problems in the basement of a country, not on the surface  (Potion Quotes) Music is not math. It’s science. You keep mixing the stuff up until it blows up on you, or it becomes this incredible potion  (Potion Quotes)