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Potluck Quotes

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At a brunch potluck, I realize that I do, in fact, hate everybody  (Potluck Quotes) To be successful you can’t show up to the potluck with just a fork  (Potluck Quotes) Even when I lived in Chicago and I didn’t have any family there, I would just go like I would be a guest and have dinner with a bunch of friends and do potluck or something. So I think that’s it, just finding people that you love that love you and hang out with them.  (Potluck Quotes) I made a chocolate cake with white chocolate. Then I took it to a potluck. I stood in line for some cake. They said, Do you want white cake or chocolate cake? I said, yes.  (Potluck Quotes) I’m a really good cook. I bake a lot. I cook dinner most nights. I cook everything from Italian food to Mexican food. But if I’m going to some place and it’s a potluck, I’m always the one to bring dessert!  (Potluck Quotes)