Power always thinks. That it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws

Power always thinks. That it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws
John Adams, the second President of the United States, was a man who understood the complexities and dangers of power. Throughout his political career, Adams grappled with the idea that those in positions of authority often believe they are acting in the best interest of their country or their people, even when their actions are in direct violation of moral or ethical laws.Adams was a staunch advocate for the rule of law and believed that no one, not even the President, was above the law. He understood that power could be a corrupting force, leading individuals to believe that they were acting in the name of a higher power, such as God, when in reality they were only serving their own interests.
In his famous quote, “Power always thinks it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws,” Adams captures the essence of the dangers of unchecked power. Throughout history, we have seen countless examples of leaders who have used their power to justify heinous acts, from genocide to war to oppression. These leaders often believe that they are acting in the best interest of their people or their country, when in reality they are only serving their own selfish desires.
Adams’ words are a stark reminder of the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions. It is all too easy for those in positions of authority to become blinded by their own power and lose sight of the moral and ethical principles that should guide their decisions. Adams understood that power, when left unchecked, could lead to tyranny and oppression, and he dedicated his life to fighting against such abuses of power.