Powerful Quotes

Text Quotes
The extent and condition of our property, and our choice of style in dwelling, create a powerful emblem of our identity and status (Powerful Quotes)
Because the slums are no longer centers of powerful political organizations, the politicians need not really care about their inhabitants (Powerful Quotes)
Wherever a people has grown savage in arms so that human laws have no longer any place among it, the only powerful means of reducing it is religion (Powerful Quotes)
The human need to play is a powerful one. When we ignore it, we feel there is something missing in our lives (Powerful Quotes)
... While men represent powerful activity as assertion and aggression, women in contrast portray acts of nurturance as acts of strength (Powerful Quotes)
There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother, but next in rank in efficacy is that of schoolmaster (Powerful Quotes)
The great law of denial belongs to the powerful forces of life, whether the case be one of coolish baked beans, or an unrequited affection (Powerful Quotes)
All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity (Powerful Quotes)
The inner speech, your thoughts, can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak (Powerful Quotes)
When a girl ceases to blush, she has lost the most powerful charm of her beauty (Powerful Quotes)
Of all the forces that make for a better world, none is so indispensable, none so powerful, as hope. Without hope men are only half alive. With hope they dream and think and work (Powerful Quotes)
The two most powerful weapons are courage and persistence. Nothing can stop a person armed with both (Powerful Quotes)
Fanaticism, or, to call it by its milder name, enthusiasm, is only powerful and active so long as it is aggressive. Establish it firmly in power, and it becomes conservatism, whether it will or no (Powerful Quotes)
Oh, powerful bacillus, with wonder how you fill us, every day! While medical detectives, with powerful objectives, watch your play (Powerful Quotes)
Fiction is most powerful when it contains most truth; and there is little truth we get so true as that which we find in fiction (Powerful Quotes)
Nations, like individuals are powerful in the degree that they command the sympathies of their neighbors (Powerful Quotes)
From powerful causes spring the empiric’s gains, man’s love of life, his weakness, and his pains; these first induce him the vile trash to try, then lend his name, that other men may buy (Powerful Quotes)
The man who fears nothing is not less powerful than he who is feared by every one (Powerful Quotes)
One of the most important, but one of the most difficult things to a powerful mind is to be its own master; a pond may lay quiet in a plain, but a lake wants mountains to compass and hold it in (Powerful Quotes)
T is a powerful sex; they were too strong for the first, the strongest, and the wisest man that was (Powerful Quotes)
The more powerful the obstacle, the more glory we have in overcoming it; and the difficulties with which we are met are the maids of honor which set off virtue (Powerful Quotes)
The temptations of prosperity insinuate themselves after a gentle, but very powerful manner; so that we are but little aware of them and less able to withstand them (Powerful Quotes)
A face which is always serene possesses a mysterious and powerful attraction: sad hearts come to it as to the sun to warm themselves again (Powerful Quotes)
Of all things known to mortals wine is the most powerful and effectual for exciting and inflaming the passions of mankind, being common fuel to them all (Powerful Quotes)
Poetry, with all its obscurity, has a more general as well as a more powerful dominion over the passions than the art of painting (Powerful Quotes)
He who is too powerful, is still aiming at that degree of power with is unattainable (Powerful Quotes)
Gold delights to walk through the very midst of the guard, and to break its way through hard rocks, more powerful in its blow than lightning (Powerful Quotes)
Can you imagine how terrible it is when you’ve got everything and you’re still desperately lonely? That is awful beyond words. I’m so powerful on stage that I seem to have created a monster. When I’m performing I’m an extrovert, yet inside I’m a completely different man (Powerful Quotes)
Computer scientists have so far worked on developing powerful programming languages that make it possible to solve the technical problems of computation. Little effort has gone toward devising the languages of interaction (Powerful Quotes)
My father loved us dearly and deeply. There were eleven of us and our love for him was full of admiration. We held him in a kind of respectful awe, so powerful and formidable did he seem. I soon learned that beneath the exterior of a rough cavalryman he had a very good heart (Powerful Quotes)