Powerful Quotes

Text Quotes
In the past when a country became as powerful as the United States, other countries would band together to clip its wings. But that isn’t happening now and I don’t think it’s not going to happen, because other countries are not threatened by us, and they secretly appreciate the services that we provide, even if they don’t usually say so (Powerful Quotes)
Marketing automation is the technology that propels your business into a new era of relationship based marketing with quantifiable results. When powerful technology meets effective implementation and internal process management, your company will soon find itself on a journey that leads to new heights of business success (Powerful Quotes)
Empty heads, cognitive science has taught us, learn nothing. The powerful cultural and personal flexibility of our species is owed at least in part to our starting off so well-informed; we are good learners because we know what to pay attention to and what questions are the right ones to ask (Powerful Quotes)
Politicians need a better understanding of global ecology. We need to be freed from our species-specific arrogance. No evidence exists that we are chosen, the unique species for which all the others were made. Nor are we the most important one because we are so numerous, powerful and dangerous (Powerful Quotes)
At some point in your life you have to engage with the fact that you are part of a society. Yeah the individual is the most important facet in society but unless every individual is the recipient of free health care, free education decent affordable housing and a proper pension then only the rich and powerful will be individuals and the rest of us will be exploited by them (Powerful Quotes)
The Japanese bureaucracy is unique. It is also very powerful, although it is now the object of so much criticism. Many of Japans brightest made it a pillar of strength and continuity (Powerful Quotes)
Of course, English is a very powerful language, a colonizer’s language and a gift to a writer. English has destroyed and sucked up the languages of other cultures - its cruelty is its vitality (Powerful Quotes)
Womens currency is their looks. Like it or not, the most powerful woman is an 18-year-old woman (Powerful Quotes)
Chaga is significant in ethnomycology, forest ecology, and increasingly in pharmacognosy. Its long-term human use and cultural eastern European and Russian acceptance should awaken serious researchers to its potential as a reservoir of new medicines, and as a powerful preventive ally for protecting DNA (Powerful Quotes)
A powerful tool in the early stages of developing scenarios is to pretend the interface is magic. If your persona has goals and the product has magical powers to meet them, how simple could the interaction be? This kind of thinking is useful to help designers look outside the box (Powerful Quotes)
Fiction is a very powerful tool for teaching history. The Philippines was the first Iraq, the first Vietnam, the first Afghanistan, in the sense that it was the United States initial or baptismal experience in nation-building (Powerful Quotes)
Take stock of your thoughts and behavior. Each night ask yourself, when were you negative when you could have been positive? When did you withhold love when you might have given it? When did you play a neurotic game instead of behaving in a powerful way? Use this process to self-correct (Powerful Quotes)
Sin is the second most powerful force in the universe, for it sent Jesus to the cross. Only one force is greater-the love of God (Powerful Quotes)
Jim Rohn is one of the most articulate, powerful, thought-provoking speakers I’ve seen. His unique delivery and style puts him head and shoulders above the rest (Powerful Quotes)
Interference is a terrific page-turner, but it’s also a haunting, powerful look at the way families and friendships entangle us all. Berry is a sharp-eyed, engaging writer, and she deftly captures the terrors, ruptures and intimacies of one seemingly ordinary neighborhood, always finding a precarious beauty in her characters’ lives. This is a book that is terrifying, startling, and very hard to put down (Powerful Quotes)
Cities offer us powerful leverage on our most stubborn, wasteful practices. Long commutes in our cars, big power bills from our energy-hogging buildings, shopping trips to buy stuff that’ll spend a few short months in our homes and long centuries in our landfills (Powerful Quotes)
Beautiful Lies is a book every woman should read. Jennifer Strickland weaves the powerful story of her life throughout each chapter while emphasizing transformational truths from God’s Word. Her vulnerability, exquisite writing style, and practical take-home applications make this book the ideal choice for personal or for small group use (Powerful Quotes)
I enjoy that the most powerful person in Hollywood is indeed a Black woman in Oprah Winfrey. I’m hoping to just transcend beyond that (Powerful Quotes)
If you want to be powerful in life you have to enjoy the process. You have to get pleasure out of making the thing that you’re making. There has to be that kind of purpose behind it. If your purpose is simply gaining power, if that becomes your end in life then you end up sort of destroying yourself because you lose the sense of detachment that’s very necessary (Powerful Quotes)
The big treasury is an ocean of infinite creativity. It’s a creativity that creates everything that is a thing - it’s mighty powerful creativity (Powerful Quotes)
There is a continual exchange of ideas between all minds of a generation. Journalists, popular novelists, illustrators, and cartoonists adapt the truths discovered by the powerful intellects for the multitude. It is like a spiritual flood, like a gush that pours into multiple cascades until it forms the great moving sheet of water that stands for the mentality of a period (Powerful Quotes)
Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not. For my ally is the Force. And a powerful allyit is (Powerful Quotes)
Our most basic institution of family desperately needs help and support from the extended family and the public institutions that surround us. Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins can make a powerful difference in the lives of children. Remember that the expression of love and encouragement from an extended family member will often provide the right influence and help a child at a critical time (Powerful Quotes)
No matter what character your play. I feel like whenever anyone is honest and whole and well-written, you’re going to be able to connect to that person because we’re all kinda made up of the same stuff and I think that’s always one of the really powerful things about approaching each individual character and role and film (Powerful Quotes)
Action will come. Fill yourselves with the ideal; whatever you do, think well on it. All your actions will be magnified, transformed, deified, by the very power of the thought. If matter is powerful, thought is omnipotent. Bring this thought to bear upon your life, fill yourselves with the thought of your almightiness, your majesty, and your glory (Powerful Quotes)
Stacy Schiff is that rare combination: a first-rate historian and a brilliant storyteller. Using a wide range of sources, she spins straw into gold, conjuring the world of Ptolemaic Egypt in full vibrant color, and returning the voice of one of the most powerful, fascinating, and maligned women in history. Cleopatra is impossible to put down (Powerful Quotes)
Accepting what others see as your strengths is crucial to your continued growth. Compliments are a gift. They are an opportunity for you and another person to connect in a powerful, positive way. How did you handle the last compliment directed at you? Did you accept it? (Powerful Quotes)
Perhaps the fact that I am not a Radical or a believer in the all powerful ballot for women to right her wrongs and that I do notscorn womanly duties, but claim it as a privilege to clean up and sort of supervise the room and sew things, etc., is winning me stronger allies than anything else (Powerful Quotes)
Words alike make the destiny of empires and of individuals. Ambition, love, hate, interest, vanity, have words for their engines, and need none more powerful. Language is a fifth element - the one by which all the others are swayed (Powerful Quotes)
One of finest evocations of life in Western America in recent memory... Powerful and profoundly moving (Powerful Quotes)