Powerful Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe deeply that children are more powerful than oil, more beautiful than rivers, more precious than any other natural resource a country can have. (Powerful Quotes)
A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence. (Powerful Quotes)
In writing, I want to be remembered for telling good stories in beautiful and powerful language, using the poetry of words to reflect the thematic concerns of compelling stories. (Powerful Quotes)
A good quote is a beautiful inspirational spring branch in the reader’s mind; it is a powerful propulsive force too, just like a wind! All men need winds! (Powerful Quotes)
That’s beautiful that you want to expand your music and do different things. Music is so beautiful and powerful. (Powerful Quotes)
I love children and I love family and I love that interaction. Because I had a really close relationship with my mother, I understand that deep powerful love, and it’s so beautiful. To be a mother to a child is the most brilliant gift; it’s gorgeous. (Powerful Quotes)
Music is a powerful tool in galvanizing people around an issue. There’s no better way to get your point across than to put it in a beautiful song. (Powerful Quotes)
The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description (Powerful Quotes)
The written word can be powerful and beautiful - but films transport us to another place in a way that even the most evocative words never can. (Powerful Quotes)
Beauty can make you powerful in a way that isn’t good for you. Being OK is better for the person I have become. (Powerful Quotes)
It may seem unrealistic to think we can ever become free from hatred, but Buddhists have systematic methods for gradually developing a tolerance powerful enough to give such freedom. (Powerful Quotes)
The exercise of democracy begins as exercise, as walking around, becoming familiar with the streets, comfortable with strangers, able to imagine your own body as powerful and expressive rather than a pawn. (Powerful Quotes)
The number one way of becoming powerful in Washington is by becoming the ‘Washington Post.’ (Powerful Quotes)
Allow failure to teach you A supreme lesson: Each sunset is the beginning Of a very, very bright And powerful sunrise. (Powerful Quotes)
The joy is in the getting there. The beginning years of starting your business, the camaraderie when you’re in the pit together, are the best years of your life. So rather than being so focused on when you get big and powerful, if you can just get the juice out of that... don’t miss it. (Powerful Quotes)
Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating. Youngsters need good models more than they need critics. It’s one of a parent’s greatest responsibilities and opportunities. (Powerful Quotes)
Sometimes being a leader isn’t about winning. Sometimes it’s about doing what’s right, instead of what’s powerful. (Powerful Quotes)
Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating...too often fathers neglect it because they get so caught up in making a living they forget to make a life. (Powerful Quotes)
When you see a singer on stage who is 100% committed to the personality, character and temperament of the role being sung, it’s truly awesome and very powerful. (Powerful Quotes)
There’s something so powerful about being my own gorgeous, beautiful, individual, unique self (Powerful Quotes)
Both my parents were working-class and had dreams of making the world a better place. It’s pretty powerful, being able to reflect back their beliefs. (Powerful Quotes)
Martin Luther King was a human being with a brilliant mind, a powerful heart, and insight, and courage and also with a sense of humor. So he was accessible. (Powerful Quotes)
The thing that’s been inhibiting long-form investigative reporting is fear - fear of being sued, of being unpopular, of being criticized by very powerful groups. (Powerful Quotes)
Dance is holy, sexual, and it’s a way of being very powerful and a little dangerous without being violent. (Powerful Quotes)
I could talk for ages about how women are amazing, but essentially we shouldn’t be manipulated by the media’s expectations of our bodies. I’d recommend every woman to read ‘Women Who Run with the Wolves’ - it’s about being in touch with your more wild, free and powerful side. (Powerful Quotes)
When you step up to being excellent, use hard work and commitment as the two powerful forces they are. By being persistent, over time you will earn gleaming success. (Powerful Quotes)
When you step up to being excellent, use hard work and determination as the powerful force they are. By using these ideas, over time they will reward you with sparkling success. (Powerful Quotes)
When you step up to being excellent, use hard work and determination as the powerful force they are. By also being devoted and persistent, over time it will reward you with sparkling success. (Powerful Quotes)
Disappointment and adversity can be catalysts for greatness. There’s something particularly exciting about being the hunter, as opposed to the hunted. And that can make for powerful energy. (Powerful Quotes)
I love cinema. I think the risk of the aesthetics being fixed is compensated by other advantages. Cinema is visually powerful, it is a complete experience, reaches different audience. It’s something I really like. I like movies. (Powerful Quotes)