Powerful Quotes

Text Quotes
Fear is not your enemy. It is a powerful source of energy that can be harnessed and used for your benefit. (Powerful Quotes)
Transhumanism is the ethics and science of using things like biological and genetic engineering to transform our bodies and make us a more powerful species. (Powerful Quotes)
To this day, good English usually means the English wealthy and powerful people spoke a generation or two ago. (Powerful Quotes)
In life, I’m most inspired by entertaining people and driven by the desire to do it by such a powerful force that I think it influences everything I do. (Powerful Quotes)
Nanotechnology will let us build computers that are incredibly powerful. We’ll have more power in the volume of a sugar cube than exists in the entire world today. (Powerful Quotes)
The co-opting of the environmental movement by the petroleum industry had a shattering effect. It crushed nascent biofuel businesses, killed research, cut off critical funding, stopped the building of new infrastructure, dissolved powerful alliances and seeded America with doubt over our ability to free ourselves from petroleum. (Powerful Quotes)
Kenney knows two essential truths about melodrama: First that it is most powerful when combined with irony and understatement; and second that it is a salient feature of modern life. (Powerful Quotes)
What’s interesting, I think, is that a lot of times, women in powerful positions, when they do get critiqued, when they do get criticized, it often revolves around their appearance, their sexuality, their fertility, et cetera. (Powerful Quotes)
If we never leave our house except to drive to work, do we need to be even remotely aware of this powerful, humbling, extraordinary and eternal life force that surges and ebbs around us all the time? Apparently not. Because we have stopped paying attention. (Powerful Quotes)
A lot of people like the idea of eternal love and eternal romance. The notion of love that is more profound and deeper because it is eternal is very powerful. (Powerful Quotes)
In course of time, religion came with its rites invoking the aid of good spirits which were even more powerful than the bad spirits, and thus for the time being tempered the agony of fears. (Powerful Quotes)
My natural bent is to have an overabundance of energy, and motion-capture essentializes your every breath, your every move. Seeing yourself through that mask, you realize how far you can pull back and make the performance even more powerful. (Powerful Quotes)
While at first it seemed like a depressing realization, I soon realized that makeup is powerful - it’s every woman’s secret weapon. (Powerful Quotes)
I think it’s important that kids see another kid - Coraline - who doesn’t have guns, she doesn’t have super-powers, she’s not a super-genius. To see a pretty normal kid - I mean, she’s probably a little more curious, a little more stubborn, but she’s a real kid - go up against something that’s truly dark and evil and powerful. And she does win. (Powerful Quotes)
When the Holy Spirit does his work of regeneration in the hearts of men he does not come on them with great powerful feelings and emotions which cannot be resisted. He does not possess men as evil spirits take possession of their victims. (Powerful Quotes)
Evolution is a fact. It is the best explanation of what is known from observations. It’s a theory as powerful as the theory of gravity. (Powerful Quotes)
Evolutionary psychology tells us that men, especially powerful men, feel invincible and entitled to spread their seed, and that women can’t resist the scent of masculine power. Women, by contrast, are said to be more altruistic and collaborative, seeking power so that they can share it with others. (Powerful Quotes)
I’ve helped people get rid of headaches by placing my hand on their forehead, and backaches by placing my hand on their back. It’s a powerful example of love that really works. (Powerful Quotes)
I like the powerful story, the excellent performances the beautiful cinematography and the vision of the The Piano. (Powerful Quotes)
In a normal democracy, you protect the individual from the excessive power of the state. In Turkey, power elites try to protect the state - as if this state were fragile and needed protection - when in fact, it’s too powerful already. (Powerful Quotes)
For me, an ideal novel is a dialogue between writer and reader, both a collaborative experience and an intimate exchange of emotions and ideas. The reader just might be the most powerful tool in a writer’s arsenal. (Powerful Quotes)
There are few things more powerful than a name. A single phrase that somehow becomes a symbol for an entire existence. (Powerful Quotes)
I talk to our kids now that they are grown up, and I ask them about the experiences that had growing up that really had a powerful influence on the way they view the purpose of life. The experiences that really shaped their values - my wife and I have no memory of those experiences! (Powerful Quotes)
Losing is a learning experience. It teaches you humility. It teaches you to work harder. It’s also a powerful motivator. (Powerful Quotes)
The secret of health, happiness, and long life: If you simply learn how to accept and express love, you will live happier...grow healthier. For love is a powerful force. (Powerful Quotes)
I knew that I wanted to be a singer/songwriter when I was much younger and, um, I’ve been able to, you know, to realize that dream and I’m very pleased with that...I want to branch out. I want to write. I write poetry...Music is an extraordinary vehicle for expressing emotion-very powerful emotions. (Powerful Quotes)
Positive thinking is about remembering that our internal world creates and is more powerful than the external. (Powerful Quotes)
When you’ve done all you can, do just a little bit more. Any extra effort you make will draw immense leverage from all the ordinary efforts which have preceded it. That can be powerful and effective. (Powerful Quotes)
People are seeing the impact of climate change around them in extraordinary patterns of floods and droughts, wildfires, heatwaves and powerful storms. (Powerful Quotes)
My eyes are constantly wide open to the extraordinary fact of existence. Not just human existence, but the existence of life and how this breathtakingly powerful process, which is natural selection, has managed to take the very simple facts of physics and chemistry and build them up to redwood trees and humans. (Powerful Quotes)