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The gospel is a reasonable system, and it appeals to men’s understanding; it is a matter for thought and consideration, and it appeals to the conscience and reflecting powers  (Powers Quotes) Successful investment may become substantially a matter of techniques and criteria that are learnable, rather than the product of unique and incommunicable mental powers  (Powers Quotes) Language is properly the servant of thought, but not unfrequently becomes its master. The conceptions of a feeble writer are greatly modified by his style; a man of vigorous powers makes his style bend to his conceptions  (Powers Quotes) Many are really virtuous who cannot explain what virtue is... But the powers themselves in reality perform their several operations with sufficient constancy and uniformity in persons of good health whatever their opinions be about them  (Powers Quotes) It is necessary to be occupied almost all the time, to have your mind focused; otherwise, you get very spaced out. There are many variant psychic forces and powers that roam through the worlds. You can pick them up  (Powers Quotes) During those years the past life recollections began. Psychic powers developed, my meditation increased and I found myself changing, over and over again, becoming someone new almost every day  (Powers Quotes) In this work are exhibited, in a very high degree, the two most engaging powers of an author. New things are made familiar, and familiar things are made new  (Powers Quotes) The demand for liberty is a demand for power, either for possession of powers of action not already possessed or for retention and expansion of powers already possessed  (Powers Quotes) Meditation will bring back the powers and awareness from the past; more importantly, it will expand your consciousness today  (Powers Quotes) The teacher has nothing to do with people who use their mental powers to block the enlightenment of others. These people lack control. What can you teach someone who lacks control?  (Powers Quotes) You’ve gained some powers by your entrance into other dimensions and you use them to attack others or to make others miserable, then power reverses on you and it pulls you apart because it’s not supposed to be used that way  (Powers Quotes) The earth is not the same everywhere. Certain powers are available in one part of the earth that are not available in another part. The rich realize this. They live in these places and they use that power to stay rich  (Powers Quotes) Life wears us down. We all die here. Depending upon the way you expose yourself to energies and powers and forces will determine whether you have a lot of energy or you lose energy  (Powers Quotes) There is nothing left worth preserving in the notions of unseen powers, controlling human destiny, to which obedience and worship are due  (Powers Quotes) Your understanding of the astral dimensions can help you alter structures in the physical dimensions. It is in and through the medium of the astral dimensions that all of the siddha powers function and work  (Powers Quotes) Religion is something that gets hammered in early, and never really goes away. And has powers to move which go beyond anything rational  (Powers Quotes) I always watch superhero movies, and I like the action and the fighting and all the different kinds of powers  (Powers Quotes) This world could not exist if it were not so simple. The ground has been tilled a thousand years, yet its powers remain ever the same; a little rain, a little sun, and each spring it grows green again  (Powers Quotes) Beauty is the greatest of human powers. Any power without counterbalance or control becomes autocratic and leads to abuse and to folly. Despotism in a government is insanity; in woman, fantasy  (Powers Quotes) I’m widest awake as a writer doing something new, engaged in a process I’m not sure I can finish, generating at the edge of my powers. Some people bungee jump; I write  (Powers Quotes) Vanity is so frequently the apparent motive of advice, that we, for the most part, summon our powers to oppose it without any very accurate inquiry whether it is right  (Powers Quotes) I grow more and more suspicious of the political powers that take men away from their work and set them shooting one another  (Powers Quotes) I am a woman in the prime of my life, with certain powers and those powers severely limited by authorities whose faces I rarely see  (Powers Quotes) People who know the truth have no business to allow the powers of darkness to silence them on any point that matters  (Powers Quotes) A government does not desire its powers to be strictly defined, but the subjects require the line to be drawn with increasing precision  (Powers Quotes) We can give our intelligence and law enforcement community the powers they need to track down and take out terrorists without undermining our commitment to the rule of law, or our basic rights and liberties  (Powers Quotes) If you start getting instability in large powers with nuclear weapons, that’s not a good day  (Powers Quotes) I have noted that, barring accidents, artists whose powers wear best and last longest are those who have trained themselves to work under adversity. Great artists treasure their time with a bitter and snarling miserliness  (Powers Quotes) Pity and charity may be at root an attempt to propitiate the dark powers that have not touched us yet  (Powers Quotes) If plants could be credited with reasoning powers, we would marvel at the imaginative ways they bribe or ensnare other creatures to carry out their wishes  (Powers Quotes)
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