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Powers Quotes

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What is happening to the daughters of the yam? Seem like they just don’t know how to draw up the powers from the deep like before. Not full sunned and sweet anymore  (Powers Quotes) Try to reject war and give peace a chance. Question the powers that be and find out why they make the dubious decisions they do that send young people to war  (Powers Quotes) Students are very engaged by the issues, and it’s not surprising because food choices are one of the few powers a child has  (Powers Quotes) I’ll no longer say that I have supernatural powers. I am an entertainer. I want to do a good show. My entire character has changed  (Powers Quotes) I always feel like hard work leads the way, and from there, I leave it up to the powers that be  (Powers Quotes) I would love to do some straight drama. A lot of times it’s not up to the actor, it’s up to the producer. It’s up to the powers that be  (Powers Quotes) Under a democratical government the citizens exercise the powers of sovereignty; and those powers will be first abused, and afterwards lost, if they are committed to an unwieldy multitude  (Powers Quotes) Women should marry when they are about eighteen years of age, and men at seven and thirty; then they are in the prime of life, and the decline in the powers of both will coincide  (Powers Quotes) We have no evidence as yet about mind or the power to think; it seems to be a widely different kind of soul, differing as what is eternal from what is perishable; it alone is capable of existence in isolation from all other psychic powers  (Powers Quotes) The powers of the federal government are enumerated; it can only operate in certain cases; it has legislative powers on defined and limited objects, beyond which it cannot extend its jurisdiction  (Powers Quotes) This is an important point about symbols: they do not refer to historical events; they refer through historical events to spiritual or psychological principles and powers that are of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and that are everywhere  (Powers Quotes) Oh, if only I could hurt with such misery once again, to feel the powers of love here inside my heart, the joys of heaven and the pains of hell!  (Powers Quotes) We all wish we had super powers. We all wish we could do more than we can do  (Powers Quotes) Very young children love and demand stories, and can understand complex matters presented as stories, when their powers of comprehending general concepts, paradigms, are almost nonexistent  (Powers Quotes) We are gods. Our tools make us gods. In symbiosis with our technology, our powers are expanding exponentially and so, too, our possibilities  (Powers Quotes) The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the events themselves  (Powers Quotes) The spirit of poetry, like all other living powers, must of necessity circumscribe itself by rules, were it only to unite power with beauty  (Powers Quotes) The gap between rich and poor is, in fact, widening enormously. This idea of building up the powers of people who are already powerful and keeping everyone else back is a recipe for endless misery and conflict  (Powers Quotes) Suffering comes from not understanding or a full potential or full powers within ourselves to heal, to nurture, to nourish  (Powers Quotes) Directing is a constant test of your communicative powers. You’re constantly trying to explain people your vision of what you want and steer these tiny little details into a cohesive thing  (Powers Quotes) It may be affirmed, without extravagance, that the free institutions we enjoy, have developed the powers, and improved the condition, of our whole people, beyond any example in the world  (Powers Quotes) In prosperous times I have sometimes felt my fancy and powers of language flag, but adversity is to me at least a tonic and bracer  (Powers Quotes) Genius must have talent as its complement and implement, just as in like manner imagination must have fancy. In short, the higher intellectual powers can only act through a corresponding energy of the lower  (Powers Quotes) I believe that the mind powers the body, and once the mind says we want to do it, then the body will follow  (Powers Quotes) The disruptive powers of excessive national fecundity may have played a greater part in bursting the bonds of convention than either the power of ideas or the errors of autocracy  (Powers Quotes) In regard to the amount of difference between the races, we must make some allowance for our nice powers of discrimination gained by a long habit of observing ourselves  (Powers Quotes) It would surpass the powers of a well man nowadays to take up his bed and walk, and I should certainly advise a sick one to lay down his bed and run  (Powers Quotes) Although our powers are great, they are not unlimited they are bounded by some lines of demarcation  (Powers Quotes) The great powers claim that whatever they possess is theirs by right, but whatever we, the smaller countries possess is negotiable  (Powers Quotes) The sin of all time has been the exercise of assumed powers. This is the essence of tyranny  (Powers Quotes)
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