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Powers Quotes

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The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg  (Powers Quotes) It is not by the consolidation or concentration of powers but by their distribution that good government is effected  (Powers Quotes) While an author is yet living, we estimate his powers by his worst performance; and when he is dead, we rate him by his best  (Powers Quotes) Precisely in proportion to our own intellectual weakness will be our credulity as to those mysterious powers assumed by others  (Powers Quotes) The true genius is a mind of large general powers, accidentally determined to some particular direction  (Powers Quotes) Memory is like all other human powers, with which no man can be satisfied who measures them by what he can conceive, or by what he can desire  (Powers Quotes) We are nearer neighbors to ourselves than the whiteness of snow or the weight of stones are to us: if man does not know himself, how should he know his functions and powers?  (Powers Quotes) I am not invested with dictatorial powers. If I were, I should be quite ready to dictate  (Powers Quotes) Economics and politics are the governing powers of life today, and that’s why everything is so screwy  (Powers Quotes) When one walks, one is brought into touch first of all with the essential relations between one’s physical powers and the character of the country; one is compelled to see it as its natives do. Then every man one meets is an individual  (Powers Quotes) There are nine orders of angels, to wit, angels, archangels, virtues, powers, principalities, dominations, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim  (Powers Quotes) Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place  (Powers Quotes) One can only learn his powers of action by action, and his powers of thought by thinking  (Powers Quotes) Happy the man who early learns the wide chasm that lies between his wishes and his powers  (Powers Quotes) All truth is precious, if not all divine; and what dilates the powers must needs refine  (Powers Quotes) The greatest powers cannot injure a man’s character whose reputation is unblemished among his party  (Powers Quotes) From social intercourse are derived some of the highest enjoyments of life; where there is a free interchange of sentiments the mind acquires new ideas, and by frequent exercise of its powers, the understanding gains fresh vigor  (Powers Quotes) We were not a hugging people. In terms of emotional comfort it was our belief that no amount of physical contact could match the healing powers of a well made cocktail  (Powers Quotes) Hold your powers together for something good and let everything go that is for you without result and is not suited to you  (Powers Quotes) Some of us claim that he was a messiah, and some think that he was just a man with very special powers. But that misses the point. Whatever he was, he changed the world  (Powers Quotes) If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn’t love as much in eighty years as I could in a day  (Powers Quotes) And, as I have said, it’s made me think twice about the imagination. If the spirits aren’t external, how astonishing the mediums become! Victor Hugo said of his voices that they were like his own mental powers multiplied by five  (Powers Quotes) I call that man awake who, with conscious knowledge and understanding, can perceive the deep unreasoning powers in his soul, his whole innermost strength, desire and weakness, and knows how to reckon with himself  (Powers Quotes) It’s not about who’s got powers, morons. It’s about who’s not afraid. And who’s going to do what has to be done  (Powers Quotes) Whether a thought is spoken or not it is a real thing and has powers of reality  (Powers Quotes) I am not the law, but I represent justice so far as my feeble powers go  (Powers Quotes) Oh, and she told me that men want only one thing. And on that note, I must give praise and thanks to the powers that be. I don’t want much else from them either  (Powers Quotes) When you’re unhinged, things make their way out of you that should be kept inside, and other things get in that ought to be shut out. The locks lose their powers. The guards go to sleep. The passwords fail  (Powers Quotes) While an equality of rights under a limited government is possible and an essential condition of individual freedom, a claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers  (Powers Quotes) To underestimate oneself is as much an exaggeration of one’s powers than the other  (Powers Quotes)
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