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When you plant seeds in the garden, you don’t dig them up every day to see if they have sprouted yet. You simply water them and clear away the weeds; you know that the seeds will grow in time. Similarly, just do your daily practice and cultivate a kind heart. Abandon impatience and instead be content creating the causes for goodness; the results will come when they’re ready  (Practice Quotes) We place the highest value on actual implementation and taking action. There are many things one doesn’t understand and therefore, we ask them why don’t you just go ahead and take action, try to do something? You realize how little you know and you face your own failures and you simply can correct those failures and redo it again and at the second trial you realize another mistake or another thing you didn’t like so you can redo it once again. So by constant improvement, or, should I say, the improvement based upon action, one can rise to the higher level of practice and knowledge  (Practice Quotes) Teams can’t prepare for me in batting practice. They can’t find anyone who throws as slow as I do  (Practice Quotes) This pervasive idea that trans women deserve violence needs to be abolished. It’s a socially sanctioned practice of blaming the victim. We must begin blaming our culture, which stigmatizes, demeans, and strips trans women of their humanity  (Practice Quotes) Coaching and teaching are two different things. The coaching never turned me on that much, but I always enjoyed the teaching, the practice sessions  (Practice Quotes) Whenever ego suffers from fear of death and your practice turns to seeing impermanence, ego settles down  (Practice Quotes) It’s no use practicing too much. First you have to find out how to do it best. You have to be able to invent ways of doing better. Not only practice; obviously you have to practice. But to invent things how to do better. If somebody doesn’t know what invention means, he should stop violin playing! You can’t explain everything... Not practicing only: Think how to achieve quality  (Practice Quotes) Solving problems is a practical skill like, let us say, swimming. We acquire any practical skill by imitation and practice. Trying to swim, you imitate what other people do with their hands and feet to keep their heads above water, and, finally, you learn to swim by practicing swimming. Trying to solve problems, you have to observe and to imitate what other people do when solving problems, and, finally, you learn to do problems by doing them  (Practice Quotes) For any practice to work, the mind which is meditating on the object must merge. Often they are facing each other. One has to become completely absorbed, then the transformation will occur  (Practice Quotes) Pranayam is the right science of breathing where deep, regulated and rhythmic breathing is done along with mental purification. Its practice plays an important role not only in cure of physical ailments, but also for moral and spiritual progress  (Practice Quotes) I loved throwing a baseball. It is so important to find something in life you feel crazy about. Because you are so passionate you naturally practice. The hard work that it takes to do something well will come easily  (Practice Quotes) We practice to learn how to let go, not how to increase our holding on to things. Enlightenment appears when you stop wanting anything  (Practice Quotes) Practice with your fingers and you need all day. Practice with your mind and you will do as much in 1 1/2 hours  (Practice Quotes) Everything I know about life I learned from the daily practice of sitting down to write  (Practice Quotes) Philosophy must never be divorced from action. Unless it is put into practice, philosophy is nothing more than an intellectual game  (Practice Quotes) If I go as hard as I can in practice, make sure it’s a lot harder than than a fight, then the fight’s going to be easy  (Practice Quotes) To practice kata is not to memorize an order. Find the katas that work for you, understand them, digest them and stick with them for life  (Practice Quotes) One becomes a beginner after 1000 days of training. One becomes a master after 10,000 days of practice  (Practice Quotes) We must practice modesty, not only in our looks, but also in our whole deportment, and particularly in our dress, our walk, our conversation, and all similar actions  (Practice Quotes) In passing, I firmly believe that research should be offset by a certain amount of teaching, if only as a change from the agony of research. The trouble, however, I freely admit, is that in practice you get either no teaching, or else far too much  (Practice Quotes) In the practice of any craft, we are less concerned with the quantity of the product than with its quality, and less concerned with the product than with the artisan  (Practice Quotes) Even after many years, kata practice is never finished, for there is always something new to be learned about executing a movement  (Practice Quotes) I think it is a duty I owe to my profession and to my sex to show that a woman has a right to the practice of her profession and cannot be condemned to abandon it merely because she marries. I cannot conceive how women’s colleges, inviting and encouraging women to enter professions can be justly founded or maintained denying such a principle  (Practice Quotes) Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are the cathedrals where I practice my religion  (Practice Quotes) It is my contention that no other invention of man has brought greater chaos to humanity than the practice of religion  (Practice Quotes) I want to go to practice. I want to be in the huddles. That’s me  (Practice Quotes) The cure is care. Caring for others is the practice of peace. Caring becomes as important as curing. Caring produces the cure, not the reverse. Caring about nuclear war and its victims is the beginning of a cure for our obsession with war. Peace does not comes through strength. Quite the opposite: Strength comes through peace. The practices of peace strengthen us for every vicissitude... The task is immense!  (Practice Quotes) The painter who draws merely by practice and by eye, without any reason, is like a mirror which copies every thing placed in front of it without being conscious of their existence  (Practice Quotes) Every day in practice I have to lead by example. But at the same time, when people aren’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing, you’re responsible as a player. You can’t rely on the coaches to say everything. The players have to be responsible and take ownership of the team. Every day in practice there are situations where you need to say something and get a message across, but do it in the right way  (Practice Quotes) We can get the new world we want, if we want it enough to abandon our prejudices, every day, everywhere. We can build this world if we practice now what we said we were fighting for  (Practice Quotes)
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