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My father, the practical joker, did not care for practical jokes on himself; he did not encourage the practice in me  (Practice Quotes) If you follow the course of one man through constant practice, your intelligence would have to be crude indeed for you not to get some nourishment from it. Then you will find, if nature has granted you any imagination at all, that you will eventually acquire a style individual to yourself, and it cannot help being good; because your hand and your mind, being always accustomed to gather flowers, would ill know how to pluck thorns  (Practice Quotes) No one can give you magickal powers. You have to earn them. There is only one way to do this. Practice, practice, practice!  (Practice Quotes) You throw batting practice, you warm up pitchers, you sit and cheer. You do whatever you have to do to stay on the team  (Practice Quotes) There should be a period of time during each practice session when you perform. Invite some friends in to your practice room and play a passage or a page of something... What I’m trying to indicate is that each day should contain some amount of performing. You should engage in the deliberate act of story telling each day you practice. Don’t only gather information when you practice, spend time imparting it. This is important  (Practice Quotes) Whether you’re shuffling a deck of cards or holding your breath, magic is pretty simple: It comes down to training, practice, and experimentation, followed up by ridiculous pursuit and relentless perseverance  (Practice Quotes) I don’t work with a trainer. I just go to cheerleading practice and run a couple times a week  (Practice Quotes) Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until it can’t go wrong  (Practice Quotes) I recommend doing some sort of acting class, something that can eventually get you in front of an agent or a manager, and practice is very important  (Practice Quotes) Practice makes permanent, not perfect. If you practice the wrong thing, you make the wrong act permanent  (Practice Quotes) The pack includes analysis and summary forms as well as very explicit links between assessment and individualised intervention... these materials are often lacking in published therapy programmes and are especially helpful... the pack provides very clear guidelines... overall it will be a very significant addition to speech and language therapy practice  (Practice Quotes) If a man seriously proposes to go in for lifting heavy weights, he should make a point of practising certain lifts every day. This daily practice is essential to the achievement of any real success  (Practice Quotes) If you receive empowerment, it’s about bodhicitta. If you receive teachings, it’s about bodhicitta. If you practice teachings, it’s about bodhicitta. Everything comes down to bodhicitta. The essence of practice is about bodhicitta. When you sit down to do your practice, what you practice is bodhicitta  (Practice Quotes) You can have calmness of mind at all times by the practice of yoga. You can have restful sleep. You can have increased energy, vigour, vitality, longevity, and a high standard of health. You can turn out efficient work within a short space of time. You can have success in every walk of life  (Practice Quotes) The awareness that we cultivate is what makes yoga a practice, rather than a task or a goal to be completed. Your body will most likely become much more flexible by doing yoga, and so will your mind  (Practice Quotes) Gaining maturity in yoga practice involves learning to respect the paths that other people are on and acknowledging their merits, maybe even acknowledging that your own path is lacking in some area where another one excels  (Practice Quotes) The brain does not manufacture thoughts unless we stimulate it with habitual verbalizing. When we train ourselves by constant practice to stop verbalizing, the brain can experience things as they are  (Practice Quotes) It’s good to actually cry. Trust me, I’ve had a lot of practice over the years!  (Practice Quotes) The practice is enlightenment. Some people find this idea not to their liking. They want to get enlightenment in a flash. This way they become attached to something that doesn’t exist. Enlightenment isn’t a thing you get  (Practice Quotes) There is nothing you can be doing in lacrosse on your own in the fall that would be better for you than going to football or soccer practice every day. You can go bang a ball against a wall all you want, but how do you become a better team player? By playing other team sports  (Practice Quotes) Listening takes practice, and it takes patience. But I promise, if you listen, your story will be better for it  (Practice Quotes) I’m interested in taking a form, breaking it apart, and then rebuilding it. It is about transformation for me... it is a very core notion that stabilizes my practice  (Practice Quotes) I’ve learned that selflessness is a practice, not a place; a journey much more than a destination  (Practice Quotes) I do not practice clinical medicine and hence do not treat individual patients. My career is in medical science  (Practice Quotes) As a medical doctor who chose a career in artificial heart technology rather than clinical practice, I decided not to take an internship, which is required for licensing. Instead, I work with invention, manufacturing, regulatory affairs, and clinical application of artificial hearts  (Practice Quotes) You can teach all sorts of things that improve the practice of management with people who are managers. What you cannot do is teach management to somebody who is not a manager, the way you cannot teach surgery to somebody whose not a surgeon  (Practice Quotes) I think it matters almost infinitely that we practice one of the authentic religions. But if you mean does it make any difference which. The answer is no, as long as each is followed with equal intensity, sincerity, dedication  (Practice Quotes) When I’m home on a break, I lock myself in my room and play guitar. After two or three hours, I start getting into this total meditation. It’s a feeling few people experience, and that’s usually when I come up with weird stuff. It just flows. I can’t force myself. I don’t sit down and say I’ve got to practice  (Practice Quotes) Efforts to develop critical thinking falter in practice because too many professors still lecture to passive audiences instead of challenging students to apply what they have learned to new questions  (Practice Quotes) The more clearly a principle is understood by the intellect, the more inexcusable is the neglect to put it into practice  (Practice Quotes)
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