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Practice Quotes

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Practice being happy. Work at it. It’s a new role, I realize, but you’ll get it. The auditions will be coming up very soon. So get on top of it. I’m sure you will get the part  (Practice Quotes) It is easier to develop the mind through meditation than it is just through athletic practice. If you put the two together, it will be unbelievable  (Practice Quotes) Winning has to do with gaining personal power through the practice of meditation and mindfulness; not draining your energy on ridiculous things and people  (Practice Quotes) Use the practice of mind and body; in order to make those moves perfectly, you have to pull your mind out of its mundane thoughts and awarenesses and bring it into the body movement  (Practice Quotes) Talent is required, but much of writing is a matter of craft, which develops with time, attention, patience and practice, like playing an instrument or learning to dance  (Practice Quotes) It is truly difficult to make a democracy. Democracy, like arty dream, is not made with spiritual words but with reflection and practice. It is not what I say that says I am a democrat, that I am not racist or machista but what I do. What I say must not be contradicted by what I do. It is what I do that bespeaks my faithfulness or not to what I say  (Practice Quotes) You can go through hundreds of lifetimes in one, and it all starts with daily meditation practice  (Practice Quotes) I would encourage you to follow the pathway to enlightenment, to learn to meditate, to practice mindfulness, and not to really care what anybody thinks about you, including yourself  (Practice Quotes) Meditation is a bright, hopeful practice in which we learn to make our mind quiet so that the infinite, perfect light of enlightenment can flow through us  (Practice Quotes) Meditation is the art of life. Meditation is not simply a practice. It is an experience, awareness, and a way of perceiving life  (Practice Quotes) Everyone meditates in their own way. Some people sit and practice formal mediation techniques for many hours a day while others spontaneously meditate while watching a sunset, listening to music, or participating in athletics  (Practice Quotes) Meditation is something that is indigenous to the heart, which makes it hard to talk about. We don’t necessarily need to talk about it too much other than to get a sense of the practice  (Practice Quotes) Through the practice of concentration and various techniques, we silence the mind and we enter into a flow of perfect light. We go outside of the parameters of mind and thought and experience nirvana  (Practice Quotes) This is a world of unhappy beings. They don’t understand how simple it is to be happy. You just have to practice meditation. To meditate is to be happy  (Practice Quotes) The practice of meditation is an ancient practice. It’s been practiced in many lands, for many lifetimes. You may have practiced it before  (Practice Quotes) You need energy and life force to see and feel what you need to do. Otherwise you are in a dark room and you can’t tell what’s going on. You need to practice meditation  (Practice Quotes) As your meditation practice improves from month to month, more and more light and ecstasy will spill over into the moments of your daily life. Eventually you will always exist in a state of continual light  (Practice Quotes) For years we practice meditation, like any art, and we get better at it each day. In the beginning it’s just enough for us to sit down and focus our attention  (Practice Quotes) Learn to meditate, practice and don’t get frustrated. It will take you years to learn to meditate perfectly. Every time you try, you are growing. It’s not as if you have to meditate perfectly to make progress  (Practice Quotes) Meditation is a practice of detaching and then stopping ourselves from thinking; our thoughts are interruptions in the flow of awareness. Consciousness, in its highest aspect, is perfect and formless  (Practice Quotes) With the practice of meditation you can move into other states of mind, sort of ungluing the glue that binds you to a particular perceptual mode, a way of seeing life which is an illusory one  (Practice Quotes) God judges what we tolerate as well as what we practice. Too often we put up with things we ought to put out  (Practice Quotes) Manage through the uncertainties. Practice appropriate actions and participate in healthy choices. Value and celebrate the loyalty of the individuals around you: celebrate their competencies and successes, as well as your own. Build up your circle and reinforce it at every opportunity  (Practice Quotes) Hollywood is a town; it’s not a medium. And cinema is a medium you can practice anywhere  (Practice Quotes) Practice like it’s competition and compete like it’s another day on the practice court  (Practice Quotes) I guess anybody who plays can say that they play guitar, but if you want to be a guitarist, you’ve got to practice all the time and you’ve got to get good at it. It’s more than just having one and playing it  (Practice Quotes) When I was young, there was never any space for me to get attention of my own that wasn’t negative. Art, and the practice of making art, was the only space that was mine alone, where I could be anyone and do anything, where just by using my head and my hands I could cry, or laugh, or get pissed off  (Practice Quotes) Who is an authentic seeker, but someone who has understood that there is nothing else to do but practice? Enthusiastic or discouraged, he or she continues, no matter what  (Practice Quotes) I couldn’t wait to get on the ice. I couldn’t wait to get to practice. As a kid, I couldn’t wait to shoot pucks or play in parking lots, or play on the river or play on the bay  (Practice Quotes) A good 80 percent of the vault is still physical and another percentage of it, 20, 25 percent is mental. Mental is always the mental strength, the confidence building up to that contest or repetition, practice, practice, and practice  (Practice Quotes)
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