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Practice Quotes

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A principle is the expression of perfection, and as imperfect beings like us cannot practise perfection, we devise every moment limits of its compromise in practice  (Practice Quotes) It has always been my practice to cast a long paragraph in a single mould, to try it by my ear, to deposit it in my memory, but to suspend the action of the pen till I had given the last polish to my work  (Practice Quotes) You can practice to learn a technique, but I’m more interested in conceiving of something in the moment  (Practice Quotes) You don’t know how much artists go through to make it look so easy. It’s all in the practice  (Practice Quotes) Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice  (Practice Quotes) Coquetry is the essential characteristic, and the prevalent humor of women; but they do not all practice it, because the coquetry of some is restrained by fear or by reason  (Practice Quotes) Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances  (Practice Quotes) Policemen and prisons ought never to be the means used to bring men back to the practice of religion  (Practice Quotes) Whatever you would make habitual, practice it; and if you would not make a thing habitual, do not practice it, but accustom yourself to something else  (Practice Quotes) The thing is plain. All that men really understand, is confined to a very small compass; to their daily affairs and experience; to what they have an opportunity to know, and motives to study or practice. The rest is affectation and imposture  (Practice Quotes) I have noticed that doctors who fail in the practice of medicine have a tendency to seek one another’s company and aid in consultation  (Practice Quotes) In practice, such trifles as contradictions in principle are easily set aside; the faculty of ignoring them makes the practical man  (Practice Quotes) The practice of fiction can be dangerous: it puts ideas into the head of the world  (Practice Quotes) There is no kind of false wit which has been so recommended by the practice of all ages, as that which consists in a jingle of words, and is comprehended under the general name of punning  (Practice Quotes) Just because it’s common sense, doesn’t mean it’s common practice  (Practice Quotes) To be angry about trifles is mean and childish; to rage and be furious is brutish; and to maintain perpetual wrath is akin to the practice and temper of devils; but to prevent and suppress rising resentment is wise and glorious, is manly and divine  (Practice Quotes) To be fond of learning is near to wisdom; to practice with vigor is near to benevolence; and to be conscious of shame is near to fortitude  (Practice Quotes) Every society by its own practice of living and by the mode of relatedness, of feelings, and perceiving, develops a system of categories which determines the forms of awareness  (Practice Quotes) He who has made it a practice to lie and deceive his father, will be the most daring in deceiving others  (Practice Quotes) The common practice of keeping up appearances with society is a mere selfish struggle of the vain with the vain  (Practice Quotes) He is a hypocrite who professes what he does not believe; not he who does not practice all he wishes or approves  (Practice Quotes) Instructors should not only be skilful in those sciences which they teach, but have skill in the method of teaching, and patience in the practice  (Practice Quotes) It is the practice of the multitude to bark at eminent men, as little dogs do at strangers  (Practice Quotes) Habitual liars invent falsehoods not to gain any end or even to deceive their hearers, but to amuse themselves. It is partly practice and partly habit. It requires an effort in them to speak truth  (Practice Quotes) After years of practice, I can walk into a bookstore and understand its layout in a few seconds. I can glance at the spine of a book and make a good guess at its content from a number of signs  (Practice Quotes) I’m a recovering lawyer. The practice of law has changed. Every agreement is a fight  (Practice Quotes) The time has come for all evangelists to practice full financial disclosure. The world is watching how we walk and how we talk. We must have the highest standards of morality, ethics and integrity if we are to continue to have influence  (Practice Quotes) We need to put into practice the idea of embracing other cultures. We need to be shaping the kind of world we want to live in instead of waiting for someone else or some other entities to do it for us  (Practice Quotes) We need enlightenment, not just individually but collectively, to save the planet. We need to awaken ourselves. We need to practice mindfulness if we want to have a future, if we want to save ourselves and the planet  (Practice Quotes) When we have peace, then we have a chance to save the planet. But if we are not united in peace, if we do not practice mindful consumption, we cannot save our planet  (Practice Quotes)
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