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Humility is becoming a lost art, but it’s not difficult to practice. It means that you realize that others have been involved in your success  (Practice Quotes) It’s not easy. I got lots of rejections when I first started out. If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up. You have to do your best to practice and get better  (Practice Quotes) There are many different ways to practice meditation; it’s good to experiment until you find one that seems to suit you  (Practice Quotes) It is so powerful when we can leave behind our ordinary identities, no longer think of ourselves primarily as a conductor, or writer, or salesclerk, and go to a supportive environment to deeply immerse in meditation practice  (Practice Quotes) I have to practice to be good at guitar. I have to write 100 songs before you write the first good one  (Practice Quotes) I’ve never seen service as separate from my spiritual practice or my spiritual teaching  (Practice Quotes) We need, in love, to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily; we do not need to learn it  (Practice Quotes) Religious freedom should work two ways: we should be free to practice the religion of our choice, but we must also be free from having someone else’s religion practiced on us  (Practice Quotes) The practice of art isn’t to make a living. It’s to make your soul grow  (Practice Quotes) We must begin our practice by walking the narrow path of simplicity, the hinayana path, before we can walk upon the open highway of compassionate action, the mahayana path  (Practice Quotes) It takes long practice, yes. You have to work. Did you think you could snap your fingers, and have it as a gift? What is worth having is worth working for  (Practice Quotes) When I was in school the teachers told me practice makes perfect; then they told me nobody’s perfect so I stopped practicing  (Practice Quotes) As with all other aspects of the narrative art, you will improve with practice, but practice will never make you perfect. Why should it? What fun would that be?  (Practice Quotes) Really, for a man who had been out of practice for so many years it was a splendid laugh!  (Practice Quotes) Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good  (Practice Quotes) Dreaming is very pleasant as long as you are not forced to put your dreams into practice  (Practice Quotes) The most exquisite pleasure in the practice of medicine comes from nudging a layman in the direction of terror, then bringing him back to safety again  (Practice Quotes) Kindness and a caring mind are two separate qualities. Kindness is manners. It is superficial custom, an acquired practice. Not so the mind. The mind is deeper, stronger, and, I believe, it is far more inconstant  (Practice Quotes) Love isn’t something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn’t a feeling, it is a practice  (Practice Quotes) The motivation of all religious practice is similar: love, sincerity, honesty. The way of life of practically all religious persons is consistent. The teachings of tolerance, love, and compassion are the same  (Practice Quotes) Thinking is a bit uncomfortable, but you’ll get used to it. A matter of time and practice  (Practice Quotes) The wood nymph instructors left me in the dust. They told me not to worry about it. They’d had centuries of practice running away from lovesick gods. But still, it was a little humiliating to be slower than a tree  (Practice Quotes) All are free to believe or not believe; all are free to practice a faith or not. But those who believe must be free to speak of and act on their belief  (Practice Quotes) Although both sides of my family were religious, I was never forced to practice the Jewish faith. I did not really rebel against it, but then, as today, I disliked organized religion. I have a strange inhibition about praying with others  (Practice Quotes) To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it  (Practice Quotes) Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work  (Practice Quotes) They spent days, nights, weeks, and years talking, never accepting the fact that, good or bad, an idea only exists when someone tries to put it into practice  (Practice Quotes) Cheating is a sin, but honest cunning is simply prudence. It is a virtue. To be sure, it has a likeness to roguery, but that cannot be helped. He who has not learned to practice it is a fool  (Practice Quotes) The way anything is developed is through practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice and more practice  (Practice Quotes) As we practice meditation, we get used to stillness and eventually are able to make friends with the quietness of our sensations  (Practice Quotes)
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