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God allows us to give rise to the practice of two beautiful virtues: perseverance, which leads us to attain the goal, and constancy, which helps us to overcome difficulties  (Practice Quotes) If you grant asylum to so many refugees, your house may be sacked sooner by the soldiers; I see that clearly. The question is, however, whether, because of this danger, you should refuse to practice such a beautiful virtue as charity  (Practice Quotes) When superiors are fond of showing their humanity, inferiors try to outstrip one another in their practice of it  (Practice Quotes) This caste system had grown by the practice of the son always following the business of the father  (Practice Quotes) In writing practice, there’s no direction. You enter your own mind and follow it where it takes you. We have a great need to connect with our own mind and our own true self. And all of us have a story to tell  (Practice Quotes) Each man calls barbarism whatever is not his own practice; for indeed it seems we have no other test of truth and reason than the example and pattern of the opinions and customs of the country we live in  (Practice Quotes) When the restrictions you have do not limit you, this is what we mean by practice  (Practice Quotes) If you think you will get something from practicing zazen, already you are involved in impure practice  (Practice Quotes) Patience takes courage. It is not an ideal state of calm. In fact, when we practice patience we will see our agitation far more clearly  (Practice Quotes) Creating art is a habit, one that we practice daily or hourly until we get good at it  (Practice Quotes) Practice being gentle, respectful and loving toward the life force in all things. Remind yourself that your efforts do make a difference, even if you think they are miniscule in comparison to the magnitude of the problem  (Practice Quotes) We talk much more about individualism and liberty than our ancestors. But as so often happens, when anything becomes conscious, the consciousness is compensatory for absence in practice  (Practice Quotes) Just as those who practice the same profession recognize each other instinctively, so do those who practice the same vice  (Practice Quotes) My guitar playing has not developed as much as I think it could because I never practice. I only play when I’m writing or recording or when I’m playing on tour. When I’m sitting around at home, I never play  (Practice Quotes) Practice meditation. Become a seeker. Walk the path of the seeker. You will get the best of everything the world has to offer  (Practice Quotes) If you practice inaction, nothing will be left undone: For the way to acquire lordship over society is by invariably not interfering  (Practice Quotes) There is one sure criterion of judgment as to religious faith in doctrinal matters; can you reduce it to practice? If not, have none of it  (Practice Quotes) To arrange a library is to practice in a quiet and modest way the art of criticism  (Practice Quotes) You practice mindfulness, on the one hand, to be calm and peaceful. On the other hand, as you practice mindfulness and live a life of peace, you inspire hope for a future of peace  (Practice Quotes) It is easier to produce ten volumes of philosophical writings than to put one principle into practice  (Practice Quotes) Many people talk a lot about environmental preservation, but true greatness lies in putting these principles into practice and actually doing something about it  (Practice Quotes) Try to gather the strength to live as brother and sister after one or two children are born. This is essential for reaping the full benefit of spiritual practice and to make spiritual progress through mental restraint  (Practice Quotes) I’ll put an end to the idea that a woman’s body belongs to her... the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand  (Practice Quotes) True virtue would never liken its rewards to points on a loyalty card, not because it is its own reward, but because it is not something we should practice to accrue future benefits  (Practice Quotes) I like to say that I practice militant mysticism. I’m really absolutely sure of some things that I don’t quite know  (Practice Quotes) I don’t want people to think that they can attain realization simply by listening to others or by reading books. They must practice what they read and hear  (Practice Quotes) Compassion is a practically acquired knowledge, like dancing. You must do it and practice diligently day by day  (Practice Quotes) Our generation in the west was lucky: we had readymade gateways. We had books, paper, teachers, schools and libraries. But many in the world lack these luxuries. How do you practice without such tryout venues?  (Practice Quotes) People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times  (Practice Quotes) Homosexuality appeared as one of the forms of sexuality when it was transposed from the practice of sodomy into a kind of interior androgyny, a hermaphroditism of the soul. The sodomite had been a temporary aberration; the homosexual was now a species  (Practice Quotes)
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